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教 案 课程名称 英语 授课班级 农业 授课课时 1 教材名称 《英语》基础模块(上册) 出版单位 江苏教育出版社 版次 2011年7月第1版 主编 王守仁 袁春艳 本教案的简要思路: 本课时主要围绕Sports Day in My School展开的一节活动式英语教学课,通过听做、说唱、玩演、读写等活动的设计,让学生一边玩一边学。在玩中找乐趣。教师充分设置各种教学场景,多媒体信息化教学手段,营造浓厚的口语氛围,突出“以学生为主体”的教学思想,让抽象的内容变得直观形象,多姿多彩。延伸环节中“运动会的益处”的设计不仅提高了学生的口语能力,更让每一个学生对这体育活动都充满了爱和兴趣,并体验到了健康的重要性。最后作业这一环节是让学生观看视频写作,不仅让学生在“动”找“静”,同时也提高了他们的知识运用能力和写作能力。 授课章节(单元) Unit 5 Reading and Writing Sports Day in My School 教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives: (1). Make students understand the main idea of the text. (2). Make students know about sports day. 2. Ability objectives: ⑴ To make students retell the text in their own words. ⑵ To improve students’reading and writing abilities by reading the text 3. Emotional objectives: Make students feel the beauty of sports, be willing to experience fun of sports and understand the benefits of sports. 教学重点 The understanding of the text 教学难点 (1) How to make students retell the text in their own words. (2) How to discuss sports day in English. 教学策略 (1).Communicative teaching method (2). “Task-based” teaching method (3). Situational teaching method 教学结构安排 结构 教学活动 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 辅助教学手段及现代信息技术应用 导入 First let students listen to 《运动员进行曲》and ask them a question: When do we often hear this song? 搜索页: /342610.html Then show a video about a sports meeting of a school---金陵中等专业学校-2011运动会开幕式and ask students some questions. 搜索页: /programs/view/U1vnfpIZjcw/ 1. What are they holding? 2. Has your school ever held a sports meeting? 3. What sports are you good at? 4. Have you even taken part in your school sports meeting? Turn on the listening Turn on the video about a sports meeting of a school, and ask students some questions. Listen to the song. Watch the video and answer questions. MP3 video 新授 Step 1 Skimming Let students skim the text and find out a word or two to express the main idea of each paragraph. Sports day i


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