Ten Commandments of CIA in Undermining China.doc

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Ten Commandments of CIA in Undermining China 1. Destroy their belief in assiduous working. Induce their youth with materials, make them scorn their original education, especially the communism ideology, and encourage sexual promiscuity, superficial honor. 2. Spread our life style through all media including films, books, television, radios and religion. 3. Distract them from ccp propaganda. Make them focus on sports, pleasure, games, criminal films, etc. 4. Making topics for their people to discuss, sowing the seed of discord among them. Pay special attention to finding opportunities in minority groups to divide their nation and make hatred. 5. Making news defacing their leaders. Our reporters should interview their leaders in order to find contradictions in their words and attacking them with their words. 6. Propagate democracy whenever and wherever possible. Ask for democracy and human rights on every occasion. As long as we repeat the requirement, their people will believe we are asking for truth. Fight for each person and each place. 7. Encourage spending and borrowing of their government. 8. Control their industry with our economic and technical advantage. 9. Make use of all resources, each act, each smile, each word, to sabotage their tradition. Destroy their self-respect and moral high ground. 10. Help and arm their enemies and potential enemies. 第一,尽量用物质来引诱和败坏他们的青年,鼓励他们蔑视、鄙视并进一步公开反对他们原来所受的思想教育,特别是共产主义教育。为他们制造对色情产生兴趣的机会,进而鼓励他们进行性的滥交。让他们不以肤浅、虚荣为耻。一定要毁掉他们一直强调的刻苦耐劳精神。第二,一定要尽一切可能做好宣传工作,包括电影、书籍、电视、无线电波和新式的邪教传布。只要让他们向往我们的衣、食、住、行、娱乐和教育的方式,就是成功的一半。第三,一定要把他们青年的注意力从以政府为中心的传统引开来。让他们的头脑集中于体育表演、色情书籍、享乐、游戏、犯罪性的电影,以及邪教迷信。第四,时常制造一些无事之事,让他们的人民公开讨论。这样就在他们的潜意识中种下了分裂的种子。特别要在他们的少数民族里找好机会,分裂他们的地区,分裂他们的民族,分裂他们的感情,在他们之间制造新仇旧恨。第五,要不断制造新闻,丑化他们的领导人。我们的记者应该找机会采访他们,然后利用他们自己的话来攻击他们自己。第六,在任何情况下都要宣传民主。一有机会,不管是大型小型、有形无形,就要抓紧发动民主运动。无论在什么场合,什么情况下,我们都要不断对他们(政府)要求民主和人权。只要我们每一个人都不断地说同样的话,他们的人民就一定会相信我们说的是真理。我们抓住一个人是一个人,我们站住一个地盘是一个地盘,一定要不择手段。第七,要尽量鼓励他们(政府)花费,鼓励他们向我们借贷。这样我们就有十足的把握来摧毁他们的信用,使他们的货币


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