2017年高考英语人教版一轮复习习题 选修6 Unit 4 Word版含解析.docVIP

2017年高考英语人教版一轮复习习题 选修6 Unit 4 Word版含解析.doc

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第一部分 选修六 Unit 4 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2016·江南十校联考) Hasifa Nakaziba, a member of seven, has relied on farming corn and beans to support her family for years. But each year she would lose 30% of her harvest as pests affected her grain, taking their share of the food before it reached the dinner table “From nowhere rats, chickens and insects would come and eat it,” said Nakaziba, who lives in Nambale village, about 85 miles east of the capital, Kampala. Like many farmers, Nakaziba, 47, lacked some drying facilities(设施) for the grain and so would dry it on the ground before storage, unaware that this could lead to deadly destruction of the grain. Her inability to safely store her harvest also forced her to sell her grain early, which meant Nakaziba received a very low price from the local market. “It affected our income, food security and also the education of our children,” she says. Then in 2014 Nakazibas life changed. She received training in post-harvest handling from the UNs World Food Programme(WFP), which launched an operation designed to reduce post-harvest food losses for 16,600 low-income farmers in Uganda by providing them with simple storage facilities, such as granaries and grain storage bags. In a workshop, Nakaziba learned how to improve her farm management practices and purchase new technology storage and handling equipment. Today a huge airtight granary allowing Nakaziba to safely store more than 500 kg of grain for as long as she desires, for family consumption or sale, sits in a corner of her modest home. 文章大意:由于联合国世界计划署的计划,一个坎波拉的农民在如何收藏粮食谷物方面获得了实惠。 1.Why would Nakazibas harvest drop by 30% each year? A.Because she received little education. B.Because she sold her grain at a low price. C.Because some pests took their share of the food. D.Because the harvest was unable to be stored safely. 答案:C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话“But each year she would lose 30% of her harvest as pests affected her grain, taking their share of the food before it reached the dinner table.”可知,选C。 2.Wh



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