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* * 国际音标(旧称万国音符)是国际 语音学协会(IPA --- International Phonetic Association) 于1888年拟定的一套为各国语言注音的语音符号。我们这里所说的国际音标是专门为英语注音的那一部分标音符号。目前我国通用的国际音标共有48个, 其中, 元音音标20个,辅音音标28个。 英语元音 (English vowels) 英语元音音素共20个。分单元音和双元音两大类。 a. 前元音:/ i: /, / i /, / e /, / ? / b. 后元音:/ ɑ:/, / ? /, / ?:/, / u /, / u: /, /Λ/ c. 中元音: / ?: /, / ? / a.?合口双元音:/ ei /, / ai /, /?i/, / au /, / ?u / b. 集中双元音:/ i ? /, / ε? /, / u? / 单元音分类 (12) 双元音分类 (8) 爆破音 / p /, / b /, / t/, / d /, / k /, / ɡ / 摩擦音 / f /,/ v /,/θ/, /e/ / s /,/ z / , /?/,/?/, / h /, / r / 破擦音 / t∫/,/d? /,/tr/, /dr/,/ts/,/dz/ 鼻音 /m/ , /n/, /?/ 舌侧音 / l / 半元音 / w /, / j / 英语辅音 (English consonants) (共28个) 句子成分 Those are good novels. The man under the tree is my maths teacher. 修饰名词和代词 定语 All of us are smart. The dinner tastes delicious. 主语的特征、状态或身份 表语 P This is an English-Chinese dictionary. I enjoy listening to pop music. I showed him my pictures. 动作的对象、承受者 宾语 O He is writing a letter in the room now. The party began at seven this evening. 主语的动作或状态 谓语 V The story sounds very interesting. Seeing is believing. 句子所叙述的人或物 主语 S 例句 作用 成分 They made him monitor of their class. I heard my name called. I always find her happy. 表明主语或宾语的特征、状态或身份 补语 He looked unhappy at that time. Suddenly it began to rain. She sat there reading a book. We’ll go for a picnic if it is fine tomorrow. 修饰动词、形容词、副词或句子,表示动作发生时的状况 状语 画出下列句子的句子成分 You should work hard. 2. The teacher got very angry. 3. The nurse looks after the children well. 4. At last they reached the village safely. 5. The sun keeps us warm. 6. Children who eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth. 7. John has waited at the bus station for nearly half an hour. 8. I told him to open the window. 9. I wonder where he came from. 10. She found the wallet where she lost it. *


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