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苏州园区少儿英语 篇一:园区幼儿信息采集表 苏州工业园区幼儿信息采集表 填表说明:此表为江苏省幼儿信息网络化管理系统信息,务必按要求填写正确,重要信息填错后学校无权修改,有可能会对学生的将来造成一定的麻烦,故请学生及家长参照户口本如实填写,并签字确认。以下信息请特别注意: 1、身份证号:18位。外籍或港澳台学生学生填护照号码。 2、户籍地所在地:必须照户口本填写,必须为XX省XX市XX县(区/市)格式,外国的学生户籍地可以填写“外籍”。 3、“家庭常住地”填写当前住址的信息,格式和户籍地所在地格式要求一样。“家庭常住地详细地址”填写具体住址,格式为“XX新村X幢XXX室”。 不明事项,请联系班主任。 学生签字家长签字 2011年12月24日 篇二:苏州工业园区纳米生物园简介(英文版) WHO ARE WE BioBay, located in Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District, with the area of 86.3 hectares, is an innovative science and technology carrier for development of the emerging biological industry and the nano technology industry, including the project incubator, accelerator, industrialization area, administrative office and the living facilities area. Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy and Sciences is set up in BioBay. Since it was opened for operation in June 2007, BioBay has been awarded China International Nato-tech Innovation Cluster, Chinese Service Outsourcing Pilot Base, High Level Overseas Talent Innovation and Venture Base, Jiangsu Bio-medical Industrial Park, Jiangsu Nano Technology Industrial Park and other titles and, obtained the national science and technology carrier accreditation of National Science and Technology Enterprise Incubator and National Nano Technology University Science and Technology Park. BioBay endeavors to provide the comprehensive full process attentive services for the innovative companies following its ideal of Professional, Passionate and Practical. It has established the comprehensive soft and hard service platform system, to help the companies reduce the Ramp;D cost and accelerate transformation of the Ramp;D results. The hard platforms include the drug analysis and test service platform, antibody technical service platform, drug delivery technical service platform, and the innovative drug platform jointly established with Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as the nano technical service platforms of Suzhou Institute


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