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Unit 2 Learning Focus After the completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Learn how to establish business relations by writing; Understand the channels for getting business information; Write an expected replying for business relations establishment. Introduction Establishing business relations with prospective dealers is one of the important measures to maintain or expand business activities in doing foreign trade. Customers are the basis of business expansion. It is fairly true to say no customer, no business. Therefore, it is a common practice in business communications that newly established firms or firms that wish to enlarge their business scope and turnover write letters to new customers for the establishment of relations. 2.Arm yourself 1、The Commercial Counsellor’s office 2、Export Commodities Fair 3、The Chambers of Commerce 4、Exhibition 5、Catalogue 6、Sample 7、Sample Cutting 8、Sample Book 9、Quotation 10、Brochure,Pamphlet 11、Business Relations / Trade relations 12、Business Line/Scope/Activities Terms Price List, Quotation Sheet 价目单 Export List 出口清单 Exposition 博览会 Equality and Mutual Benefit 平等互利 Finacial Standing, Finacial Status 财务情况 Business scope 经营范围 Trade directory 贸易黄页,贸易电话簿 Trade negotiation 贸易谈判 Chamber of commerce 商会 Trade press 贸易新闻,贸易简报 Trade fair 商品交易会 Market survey 市场调查 Branch office 分公司 Business house 商行,商店 Financial status 财政状况 Existing customers 现有顾客 Textile products 纺织产品 Electrical appliances 家用电器 Light industrial products 轻工业产品 Information technology products 信息技术产品,IT产品 Exclusive agent 独家代理 Sales possibilities 销售可能性 Joint efforts 合作,共同努力 approach sb for sth 为…与某人接洽 look forward to 希望 lie within the scope of 在…范围之内 in the hope of 盼望 Messrs. Mr.复数 prospective 预期的,未来的 business scope 营


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