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简单句基本句型 第一种 SV 主谓结构 ①. Cyper love hurts. ②. House prices are going up. ③. His dream came true. 2. SVC 主系表 ①.I am a webaholic. ②.These carnations smell fragrant. ③.The milk has turned sour. 3. SVO 主谓宾 ①.I love Shu Qi. ②.Nobody could answer the question. ③.The train is building up speed. 4. SvoO ①.I taught you English grammar. ②.He gave me a walkman. ③.David showed me the way. SVOC ①.We elected him our spokesman. ②.They painted the walls creamy white. ③.The directors appointed him sales manager. 6.定语(Attributive) 用来限定或 修饰名词或代词。通常由形容词或与 之相当的结构担任。 它可以是一个词或是几个词或者 一个词组,或者是个句子。位置比较 灵活,可在名词前后。 (1)That yellow BMW is cool. (2) A very valuable bronze Egyptian cat. (3) After all, he is a five- year-old boy. (4) The man who gave us a good lesson yesterday was a model worker. (5) Commerce with other countries can bring us lots of benefits (6) Please give me a knife to cut with. 7 状语(Adverbial) 用来修饰动 词,形容词,副词或整个句子.它常 由副词或与之相当的结构担任。 (1) Rose speaks English quite fluently. (2) He went to France to meet his fiancee. (3) If I have some spare time, I will take up Korean. (4) When I grow up, I am going to be a bullfighter. 8. 同位语 它位于名词或名词性短语之后, 说明其内容。常由名词、名词性短语或从句 担任。如: (1) The old lady always murmurs— that is,speaks in a very low voice. (2) The next night,the blackest he had ever known,the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. 2. 并列句(Compound Sentence) 它包括两个或两个以上并列而又 相互独立的简单句。其结构为 “SP+连词+SP”。 ◆连接两个概念 常见的and, so, therefore, not only… but also neither… nor等。如: (1) I think, therefore I am. (2) She not only writes her own plays, she also acts in them. ◆ 表示两者选其一 常见的有or, otherwise, or else, either…or.如: (1) Either he is to blame or I am. (2) You must go to work or/ or else/ otherwise you will get the bird. ◆ 表示矛盾或对照 常见的有but, yet, still, however, while, whereas 等。 (1) I am ugly, but I am very gentle. (2) I drink black coffee while he pref


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