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SAT基础写作2 龚朝辉 武汉新航道学校 基础阶段如何准备 作文话题: 一、成功与失败 二、从众与创新 三、乐观与悲观 四、人生价值观 五、真实与谎言 六、科技与教育 七、团体与个人 我们的任务: 积累词汇、短语和句型,提升写例子的能力 Albert Camus, the French writer and philosopher once said, “Integrity has no need of rules.” In other words, the legal systems and social codes of society mean nothing if an individual is inherently feels and understands what is morally right and wrong. Human society’s complicities raise many questions on how one should live, and what is best for our world. However, society is not always correct about what takes moral precedence; following the crowd may be stupid and dangerous. The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in post World War Ⅰ German society illustrate the hazards of blindly following a mainstream ethical code that is forced on to the populace. The psychological and physical defeat of Germany after World War Ⅰleft a leadership void, which Hitler actively filled, and immediately roused the population into following his ideology of racial supremacy and anti-Semitism. Unfortunately, because Hitler was incredibly influential and was backed by secret police, the people opposed his policies and principles fled the country. The people of Germany blindly accepted the propaganda of Aryan superiority, as well as stood aside, or participated in the extermination of millions of Jews. This infamous period of history illustrates the dangers of not critically inspecting the validity of social morals, and not following personal integrity. Another example of the dominance of mainstream immoral behavior and attitude over personal values is the acceptance of slavery throughout the American South. For centuries, blacks had been imported as slaves from Africa and the West Indies, sold as cattle to white men who bought them as disposable laborers. Society tolerated this behavior because blacks were thought to be racially inferior to whites, and more importantly, the large Southern plantations needed inexpensive workers to farm hundreds of acres of land. It


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