lecture10 大学英语专业 英译汉.ppt

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15). This is sheer nonsense. 16). Buckley was in a clear minority. 17). By dialing the right number, you may be able to select a play, golf lesson or lecture in physics, from a pre-taped library in a remote city, for showing on your home screen. 这完全是胡说。 巴克利显然属于少数派。 只要拨对号码,你就可以在家里电视机上选看到由远方城市一座图书馆里录制的一出戏剧、一堂高尔夫课,或者一个物理学讲座。 2. 名词与副词的互相转译 18). When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. 19). The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor. 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他便本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。 新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。 归纳 英汉翻译中,副词、词组可译成形容词,形容词和作状语的词组可译成副词,名词与副词也可相互转译。 转译的目的是在保证原文意思的前提下使汉语表达自然流畅。 Nov., 2010 Translation - 10 * Go to Translation Appreciation. Nov., 2010 Translation - 10 * Nov., 2010 Translation - 10 * This is Valoroso XXIV., King of Paflagonia, seated with his Queen and only child at their royal breakfast-table, and receiving the letter which announces to His Majesty a proposed visit from Prince Bulbo, heir of Padella, reigning King of Crim Tartary. Remark the delight upon the monarch’s royal features. He is so absorbed in the perusal of the King of Crim Tartary’s letter, that he allows his eggs to get cold, and leaves his august muffins untasted. ‘What! that wicked, brave, delightful Prince Bulbo!’ cries Princess Angelica; ‘so handsome, so accomplished, so witty--the conqueror of Rimbombamento, where he slew ten thousand giants!’ ‘Who told you of him, my dear?’ asks His Majesty. The Rose and the Ring by William M. Thackeray This is Valoroso XXIV, King of Paflagonia, seated with his Queen and only child at their royal breakfast-table, and receiving the letter which announces to His Majesty a proposed visit from Prince Bulbo, heir of Padella, reigning King of Crim Tartary.   坐在上首的那位是帕弗拉戈尼亚国的国王瓦卢罗索二十四世。他正与王后和独生女儿坐在餐桌旁用早餐。就在这时,有人送来一封函件,是邻国克里姆塔塔利国的公文:在位国王帕德拉的王储巴尔勃请求来访。 分析:这是这本书的开头。原文用一般现在时,想要表现出栩栩如生的效果。译文用指示的说法表现同样效果。蓝色部分顺序调整很多,旨在使汉语表


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