Lesson73 The record.doc

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Lesson73 The record-holder 纪录保持者 Little boys who play truant from school are unimaginative. 逃学的孩子们都缺乏想像力。 record-holder [rek?:dh?uld?] 纪录保持者 record-holder 纪录保持者 n.+ v.+ er 构词法 tennis player truant [tru:?nt] n.逃学的孩子 The three boys who are fishing over there are truants and ought to be sent back to school. play truant 逃学(英) the boy who played truant 逃学的孩子 play hooky 逃学(美) evade school 逃学 play truant from school = play truant 逃学 As a boy, Tom used to play truant (from school). unimaginative[??nim?d?in?tiv] a.缺乏想象力的 imagine v. 想象,设想 imaginative adj. 有想象力的 imagination n. 想象力 She is an imaginative painter. Painters should be imaginative. -tive 一般是形容词的后缀;-tion 一般是名词的后缀 A quiet days fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. 他们通常能够做到的,至多也就是安静地钓上一天鱼,或在电影院里坐上8个小时,一遍遍地看同一部电影。 (1)动名词(ing)前面如果出现定语,若是名词,则采用名词所有格或名词短语本身。 eight hours seeing the film(eight hours为名词短语本身) eight hours seeing the film(eight hours’ 为名词所有格形式) a quiet day’s fishing (2)非谓语动词做主语,一律作单数看。 此句中两个动名词短语作主语,中间用or来连接,谓语动词应该跟or后面的一致,用is. 同样地,当不同的主语由either…or, neither…nor,not only….but also连接时,谓语都与最靠近它的那个主语保持一致。 Three hours in the room,It is tiring. Three hours() listening to the teacher is tiring. Three hours in the room listening to the teacher is tiring. Events such as the March 5th shooting at a high school in San Diego bring the problem into focus. 比如三月五日圣地亚哥一所高中学校发生的枪击事件问题成为焦点。 (3)over and over again = again and again 一次又一次,一再地,反复许多次地 As my grandmother can’t hear very well, I had to say it over and over again. as far as +从句 最大程度……,到……程度,就……而言 As far as I know, his operations were successful. They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1600 miles. 而有那么一个小男孩,他在逃学期间旅行了1,600英里,从而使上述所有逃学的孩子们都相形见绌了。 (1)shame [?eim] n.惭愧,Thank you. You are flattering me. (你过奖了。) You put me to shame. (你比我好的意思) put sb. to trouble 给某人带来麻烦 (2)


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