Ways That the Organization Can Encourage Intrapreneurship.ppt

Ways That the Organization Can Encourage Intrapreneurship.ppt

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Ways That the Organization Can Encourage Intrapreneurship represent the Initiation and Implementation of Innovative Ideas and Practices within an Organization. Intrapreneur already exist within the Organization. Leaders must be able to Accept and not Fear Diversity. The Company must be Transparent in their Vision, Goals and Strategy so that a Clear Direction can be Established. Make People feel Integrated and Part of the Company, no matter what their Job is. Intrapreneurs are Contributors. Intrapreneurs must be willing to take intelligent risks and not fear persecution or ridicule even if they fail. Failure are Necessary Components of Progression. Create a Learning Culture, Knowledge Fuels Encourage Innovations. Train Employee on creating and selling Innovation. Intrapreneurs must Pitch their Ideas and Support Business Plans throughout the development processes. Celebrate and Reward Intrapreneur Behavior. Encourage Networking Collaboration. CUSTOMER Always comes FIRST ! What can Manager do to Promote Individual Creativity! Reward Creativity Mindset. Suggestions have to be taken Seriously. Setting Goals for the employees. Encourage Brainstorming so that more Ideas can be created. Encourage Employees to voice out their Suggestions. There must be Confidentiality if they wanted to remain Anonymous. Systematic Way of promoting Creativity. The Organization must value work-related creativity. Creativity have to be spontaneous. Company must Support Creativity. Risk must be Taken. Management must be more Open-Minded and less Judgmental. Diversity among Employees. Homogeneous Working Environment. Recruit staffs from diversified backgrounds. Positive Working Environment. Mindset that are too Serious can hinder Creativity. Incorporating Fun into Work Environment.


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