中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照 17.docVIP

中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照 17.doc

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汉语 英语 阿斗 blockhead 爱岗敬业 love one’s work and be devoted to it 诚实守信 be honest and keep one’s word 爱国民主党派 patriotic democratic parties 爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献 patriotism and observance of law; courtesy and honesty; solidarity and friendship; diligence, frugality and self-improvement;and devotion and contribution 爱国统一战线 patriotic united front 爱国卫生委员会 patriotic Public Health Committee 爱国卫生运动 patriotic health and sanitation campaign 爱国主义教育基地 site for patriotic education/site rich in patriotic significance 爱护公物 take good care of public property 爱面子 be concerned with face-saving 爱心工程 Love Care Project 爱婴医院 Baby friendly hospital 爱憎分明 be clear about what to love and what to hate 安定的国内环境 Stable domestic environment 安定团结的政治局面 Political stability and unity 安分守己 abide by the law and behave oneself 安全责任制 Safety responsibility system 安慰奖 Consolation prize 安于现状 be content to remain a layman 按保护价敞开收购农民余粮 Purchase surplus grain from farmers without limit at protective prices 按揭贷款 Mortgage loan 按可比价格算 Calculated in comparable terms 按劳分配的原则 Principle of distribution to each according to his work 按劳分配为主、多种分配方式并存的制度 System under which distribution according to work is dominant and variety of modes of distribution coexist 按年分期付款 Yearly installments 按票面价值 at par 按市价兑换 conversion at market prices 按照国际惯例 act in accordance with international practices 按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws 按照客观经济规律办事 act in accordance with objective? economic laws 按照事物本来面貌 take things as they really are 按照依法、自愿、有偿的原则进行土地承包经营权流转 transfer the contractual right of land according to law and on a voluntary and compensatory basis 按质论价 Price products according to quality 案犯 the accused/offender 案件不受理 dismissal of a legal case/ nonacceptance of a legal case 案件当事人 party to a case/party to a law suit 案情 details of a case /facts of a case 暗补 implicit subsidies 暗箱操作 under-the-counter activities 八个坚持、八个反对 Eight do’s and eight d


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