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Guidelines for Students Unit 3 Book 4 Part I In-class Reading The words and expressions students are supposed to master: approve assign biased gender constitute feminine masculine subordination unknowingly vital participation as a matter of fact call on carry over fall behind up to deprive superior obedience reinforce approve Think that someone or something is good, right, or suitable In any case, one cannot approve of the use of violence to block the Olympic torch relay, no matter what reason there is behind such behaviors, She doesnt want to take her new boy-friend home in case her parents dont approve (of him). Officially accept a plan, proposal, etc. The NDRC was likely to approve price rises by other milk enterprises. In one instance, the Supreme Peoples Court (SPC) has taken back the power to examine and approve death penalties and tightened restrictions on the number of death sentences. ★ approval assign For those who cannot look after themselves, these institutes can assign professional staff to prepare meals and offer long-term medical and caring services. The two large classrooms have been assigned to us. ★ assignment bias The university has a bias towards /against the sciences. As regulators, they should demonstrate a sense of justice by showing no bias toward the large State-owned corporations. biased For any one in the international community who has a sound understanding of China, this conclusion is clearly unacceptable and biased. gender Sometimes gender difference will result in some social problems. Gender inequality should not be ignored in today’s society. gender sex sex: 性别, 男性或女性 (强调生理性别)Twelve months constitute a year. Three Taiwan girls, Selina, Hebe and Ella, constitute popular girl band “S.H.E”. Under one rule, six straight months of declining GDP, would constitute a recession. formally establish an organization, institution, government, etc. The committee had been impro


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