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3. Who sang more clearly? 4. Who danced better? Lisa sang more clearly than Nelly. Nelly danced better than Lisa. 2d Role-play the conversation. Group work: Make a survey! who (is) name tall Lucy is taller than before. thin wild calm long hair How many students are taller / thinner / more outgoing / more friendly … than before? Give us a report! eg. In our group, Tom is more outgoing than before. Lucy is calmer than before. Gina’s hair is longer than before. Exercise 1. Who is _______(quiet), Ada or Jane? 2. David is much _____ (tall) than Tom. 3. Miss Li is a little ____________ (outgoing) than her sister. 4. My father is very _____ (good) at telling stories. 5. Jim is _____ (short) than Lucy. quieter taller more outgoing good shorter Translate and write them down. 1. - 那是山姆吗? - 不是,是汤姆。他比山姆的头发 短,而且他比山姆幽默。 2. 汤姆比山姆更外向。????? Tom is more outgoing than Sam.???????? - Is that Sam? No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam. And he’s funnier than Sam. Find their differences in each picture. The more, the better. Chant I am happier, I am healthier. I can be taller, I will be stronger. My house is bigger, my room is cleaner. My friends are funnier, my grades are better. My school is more beautiful, my city is more comfortable (舒适的). We are happier, our life is better. Don’t judge a person by his appearance. 不要根据长相来判断一个人。 (不要以貌取人。) 行为漂亮才是漂亮。 (1730 – 1774), an Anglo-Irish novelist, poet and playwright, best known for his novel The Vicar of Wakefield (威克斐牧师传 ) * * * * Appearance build (体形) fat slim thin strong big small well-built (健美的) height tall short medium-sized face square round long fat thin hair long short shoulder-length straight wavy curly black brown fair grey white eyes big small black brown blue grey nose long short flat pointed (尖的) Boys / men: Girls / women: good-looking , smart, handsome strong beautiful , good-looking, lovely, pretty, smart, handsome cute(娇小的,可爱的) tall thi


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