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Meristems produce thick, waxy scales that form a protective layer around new leaf buds Xylem and phloem tissues pump themselves full of ions and organic compounds Prevents tree’s sap from freezing. Carrot cells were grown in varying auxin concentrations 1. At what auxin concentration are the stems stimulated to grow the most 2. How is the growth of the roots affected by the auxin concentration at which stems grow the most 3. If you were a carrot farmer, what concentration of auxin should you apply to your fields to produce the largest carrots 1 Apply Concepts Using a houseplant, a marker and a sunny windowsill, describe how you might measure the plant’s response to light 2 Review Summarize plant responses to seasonal changes 3 Explain Which type of plant- short or long day- is likely to bloom in the summer- explain Design an Experiment Design a controlled experiment to find out how a garden store owner could determine what light conditions are needed for a particular flowering plant to bloom CH 24 PLANT REPRODUCTION AND RESPONSE 24.1 Plant Hormones Hormones Chemical signals produced by living organisms that affect Growth, Activity, and Development of cells and tissues Coordinate responses to the environment. Hormone-producing cells in a mature flower release hormones that travel into flower buds and inhibit development. Once the mature flower is done blooming, production of the inhibiting hormone will decline, and the flower bud can then begin its bloom. Target cell Portion of an organism affected by a particular hormone Hormone receptors Where hormone molecules bind. Hormones may affect roots differently than stems or flowers and the effects may change as receptors are added or removed All depends on the receptors. Why does grass bend toward light Darwins hypothesized that the tip produces a substance that regulates cell growth. Auxins Stimulate cell elongation and the growth of new roots Produced in the shoot apical meristem and transported to
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