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“Thus she tested his temper and tried many a time, / Whatever her true intent, to entice him to sin…” lines 1549-1550 - The continued advances upon Gawain may be an allusion to the story of Adam and Eve. This would give the text an appeal to a particularly pious audience as well as demonstrate the knowledge held by the author. “Each brother of that band, a baldric should have, / A belt borne oblique, of a bright green / To be worn with one accord for that worthy’s sake. / So that was taken as a token by the Table Round…” lines 2516-2519 - Demonstrates that a gracious King and his court, who have allied themselves with a gracious God, have the power to turn something negative into a symbol of unity and strength. Propaganda Can we trust the texts we read as a good account of medieval culture? Examples of Propaganda Michelangelo Geoffrey Chaucer Welsh Poets The End Church and Court Patronage By Mika Tsuboi, Jacob Rosok, Kyle Fuller, Sarah Brown, Lyssa Hogan Patronage The term derives from the latin?patronatus, the formal relationship between a Patronus?and his Clientes. Support Encouragement Privilege Sponsorship History of Patronage Peak – between 14th and 17th centuries Various Scholars who enjoyed the support of patrons Natural philosophers (Galileo) Musicians (Beethoven, Mozart) Writers (Shakespeare) Philosophers Alchemists Astrologers Artists (Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo) Benefits of Patronage Recipients Received Notability and Credibility Benefactors Received prestige Types of Patronage Court Church Court Patronage Development of court Patronage Conditions under which court patronage manifests Ancient origins History England Anglo-Saxon Scop “was looked upon as divinely inspired for the purpose of setting forth the noble deeds of his hearers, and of raising their thoughts to higher things.” -Karl Julius Holzknecht Courtly Love Medieval Emperors Patronage Leads to the Renaissance Elizabethan Era Patronage of actors changes quality of performance Public
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