
Clean Energy, Good Governance Electricity Regulation清洁能源良好的治理和电力监管.ppt

Clean Energy, Good Governance Electricity Regulation清洁能源良好的治理和电力监管.ppt

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PRAYAS ENERGY GROUP Clean Energy, Good Governance Electricity Regulation 20 – 21 May 2010 Cape Town Global efforts to respond to climate change The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Bali Action Plan Copenhagen Accord Supporting processes from the international community Major Economies Forum BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) sharing perspectives and experiences International institutions such as UN Agencies, the World Bank and Regional Development Banks Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Finance Fast start finance commitments Technology Research and development Driving down costs Technology transfer Capacity Learning and collaboration Measurable, reportable, and verifiable Monitor progress in implementing mitigation Electricity Regulation How are concerns about climate change and efforts at both the international and national level affecting regulators roles and responsibilities? What kinds of conflicts and challenges are manifesting? How are regulators?and government officials putting in place processes to address these challenges? What kinds of finance, technology, and capacity building support are most necessary from a regulator’s perspective? * * * * * * * * * *



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