
Cluster Analysis in Graph Theory Rutgers University聚类分析在图论罗格斯大学.ppt

Cluster Analysis in Graph Theory Rutgers University聚类分析在图论罗格斯大学.ppt

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Presented by: Alassane Ngaide, Frederic Anglade Clustering and Applications to Biodiversity Presented by: Alassane Ngaide, Frederic Anglade Mentors: Dr. Urmi Ghosh Dastidar, Dr. Gene Fiorini Basic Graph Definitions Graph: a graph G is a set of vertex (nodes) v connected by edges (links) e. Thus G=(v , e). Vertex (Node): Element of v Edge (Link): An edge e is a link between two nodes. Directed graph or directed graph: consists of vertices and edges with a flow of direction Undirected graph: consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges with no direction Cluster: Also called community, it refers to a group of nodes having denser relations with each other than with the rest of the network. A wide range of methods are used to reveal clusters in a network. FOOD WEB Food web: A directed graph representing an ecological community with arrow pointing from the preys towards the predators Each organism in a food web depends for food on one or many other organisms in an ecosystem. Predators: Eat preys Preys: Provide energy for predators Example of Food web Digraph A digraph is a directed Graph. Shark Sea otters Small fish kelp Sea urchins Large crab COMPETITION GRAPH Competition Graph: is a graph where the vertices are species in the ecosystem and there is an edge between two vertices if they have a common prey. If vertices are isolated, they either do not have any prey in common with the other species of the ecosystem or they are primary producers Weighted Competition graph: A graph that associates a weight with every edge in the competition graph. Weight shows the number of shared preys among the associated predators (nodes). How to Obtain a competition Graph Food web Diagraph Weighted Competition Graph 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 4 7 3 1 5 6 8 2 1 1 1 Adjacent Matrix of the Weighted competition Graph Laplacian Given A, the Laplacian matrix L is defined as: Normalized Laplacian Presented by: Alassane Ngaide, Frederic Anglade Spectral clustering Uses information obtai



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