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* Example Customer Billing System The print routine of the customer billing accepts customer data structure as an argument, parses it, and prints the name, address, and billing information. Improvement? * * Improvement --- OO Solution Use an interface to limit access from clients Customer get name get address get billing info get other info … void print (Customer c) { … } ? * Data Coupling Def: Component passes data (not data structures) to another component. Every argument is simple argument or data structure in which all elements are used Good, if it can be achieved. Example: Customer billing system The print routine takes the customer name, address, and billing information as arguments. CS 4311 * Content Common External Control Stamp Data Uncoupled * Uncoupled Completely uncoupled components are not systems. Systems are made of interacting components. Content Common Control Stamp Data Uncoupled Content Common External Control Stamp Data Uncoupled * Exercise: Define Coupling between Pairs of Modules Content Common External Control Stamp Data Uncoupled * Q R S T U P Q R S T Coupling between Pairs of Modules * Consequences of Coupling Why does coupling matter? What are the costs and benefits of coupling? (pairs, 3 minutes) * Consequences of Coupling High coupling Components are difficult to understand in isolation Changes in component ripple to others Components are difficult to reuse Need to include all coupled components Difficult to understand Low coupling May incur performance cost Generally faster to build systems with low coupling * In Class Groups of 2 or 3: P1: What is the effect of cohesion on maintenance? P2: What is the effect of coupling on maintenance? * * * * * * * * * * . * * * Cohesion and Coupling CS 4311 Frank Tsui, Orland Karam, and Barbara Bernal,?Essential of Software Engineering, 3rd edition, Jones Bartett Learning. Section 8.3. Hans van Vliet, Software Engineering, Principles and Practice, 3rd edition, John Wiley Sons,
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