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绯闻女友第五季第8集 Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode 8八卦天后在此这是你了解曼哈顿名流们Gossip Girl here-- your one and only source这是你了解曼哈顿名流们into the scandalous lives of manhattans elite.实际上是因为我嫉妒了The truth is I was jealous.你才是丹小说的主角Youre the star of Dans book.你住在这里吗Do you live in this building?不是我在这里工作我能帮上你吗No, I work here. Can I help you find something?我在找我的前女友艾薇·迪肯斯Im looking for my ex-girlfriend, Ivy Dickens.艾薇吗Ivy?马克斯Max.我有伴的Im here with someone,我应该回去找她了and I should really go find her.她叫瑟琳娜Her names serena.瑟琳娜·范德·伍德森吗Serena Van Der Woodsen?你的约会对象怎么了What happened to your date?他爽约了My date stood me up.只有让她认为我永远没变The only way for Blair to move on她才能安心继续她的生活is if she thinks I never will.我必须吻她以此给她自由I had to kiss her to set her free.我刚发现你收了别人的钱I just found out you were taking money来暴露我的隐私to reveal information about me.恰克毁了他生命中所有的人和事Chuck destroys everything,他永远都不会改变and hell never change.我真正担心的是你正在变得和他一样But whats scaring me is that youre changing into him.不路易你去忙你的公事吧No, Louis, you should go on your trip.而且分开几天对你我都好Besides, a few days apart would be good for us.洗澡本该让你觉得神清气爽A shower is supposed to make you feel fresh and clean,但在上东区but on the upper east side,却是乌烟瘴气theyre where I get the most dirt.而今晚B的婚前派对[shower也有洗礼的意思]And b.s bridal shower tonight promises to be一定会丑事不断an absolutely filthy affair.只有两个人未受邀请The only two people left off the list--第一位Number one...一条杂种狗你认真的吗Honestly, a mutt?怪不得布莱尔甩了你选择路易No wonder Blair chose Louis over you.简直太明智了Totally right call, b.T.-Dubs,因为你跟皇族是天壤之别cause you are so the opposite of royalty.你得有多不爽Still, how royally miffed are you今晚的婚前派对甚至都没被邀请that you werent even invited to the shower tonight?姑娘们我已经很能忍了Girls, I have been trying very hard lately to be good.但如果我现在放狗咬人Yet I dont feel the slightest pang of guilt也一点儿不会觉得愧疚unleashing my attack dog right now.而且我应该提醒你们And I should warn you.他受过追赶普拉达A货的专门训练Hes trained to go after fake Prada.好样的小猴子Good boy, Monkey.被漏掉的第二位是谁呢As for number two? In high school,在高中D被漏掉是因为没有人认识他D. got left off the list because no one knew who he wa


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