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绯闻女孩第五季第22集 Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode22八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.我想帮你守住八卦天后I want to help you stay on as Gossip Girl.我可以帮你隐藏身份保住网站I want to protect your identity and help you keep the site.你就是八卦天后Youre actually her. Youre Gossip Girl.拜托了不管你怎么做Please, whatever you do,请你不要告诉任何人just dont tell anyone.你救了恰克的命你那么做是因为You saved Chucks life, and you did that because...我是恰克的母亲Im Chucks mother.你查到什么了Whatd you find out?戴安娜·佩恩这个人That the first record of our Diana Payne是在三年前突然出现的was three years ago.之前她就像完全不存在一样Before that, its like she didnt even exist.那么如果戴安娜·佩恩不是她的真名So if Diana Paynes not her real name,我们要如何查她的背景呢how do we ever find out her story?你要想看我的内衣If you wanted to see my underwear,跟我说就行all you had to do was ask.我告诉恰克他不再拥有我的心了I told chuck he doesnt have my heart anymore.我意识到我的心已经另属他人I realized it belongs to someone else.伊丽莎白·费舍尔刚给我发了条彩信Elizabeth Fisher e-mailed me that picture a few minutes ago.看下角落的日期Take a look at the date in the corner.正好是你出生前几天Its right before you were born.你再看看这张照片Take a look at this photo again.看到那个男人手臂上的纹身了吗看这个You see the tattoo on the guys arm? Check it out.重要的不是谁是我母亲而是谁是我父亲Its not whos my mom. Its whos my dad.内特我怀疑杰克·拜斯才是我的亲生父亲Nate, I think Jack Bass is my father.你知道你是爱我的You know you love me.人们常说They say in life生活往往呈现出正反两面there are two sides to every story.但在上东区还有第三面But on the upper east, we always have three.他的生活她的生活Theres his, hers...而最重要的but the most important是我的生活is always mine.请进Come in.多洛塔你不需要亲自给我送早餐的Oh, Dorota. You didnt have to bring me breakfast.瑟琳娜小姐你一定要尝尝Miss Serena, you must taste test我新做的三角馄饨my new kreplach.它的美味能比苏联红军更快攻下华沙These bad boys take Warsaw faster than Red Army.谢谢不过你能不能Oh, thank you, but do you mind先把它放在那儿just setting it down over there for a minute?我要先把要打的东西打完I have to finish what Im typing.瑟琳娜小姐你成天除了打字还是打字Miss Serena, all you do all day is type, type, type.你上哪儿都带着自己的笔记本You take laptop with you everywhere.这样不健康It not healthy.自打上周的家庭危机以来


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