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General Analysis of the Spirit of Unyieldingness in The Old Man and the Sea 【Abstract】 We all know that Ernest Hemingway has made great contributions to American literature, among which the image of the unyielding man is salient. His masterpiece The Old Man and the Sea helped him get the Nobel Prize. Santiago is the main character in that great work, who means a lot. In this paper, combining the social background at that time, I analyze the image of Santiago and the unyieldingness of a man. Then, using a movie named The Underdog Knight as an example, I analyze the spirit of unyieldingness in present society and make a conclusion that we young people should appreciate this kind of spirit and trying our best while doing something, 【Key Words】 Unyieldingness, Santiago, The Old Man of the Sea, Ernest Hemingway. Ernest Hemingway is the major figure in American and world literary. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was a physician, fond of hunting and fishing, who took young Ernest with him on his trips. Hemingway’s style of living as an adult and the fact that his books abound in sports terms are partly traceable to his early life. Hemingway’s writing career began early when he wrote for his high school newspaper and the school’s literary magazine. Later, he got a job as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star, which advocated short sentences, brief paragraphs, active verbs, authenticity compression, clarity and immediacy. This work helped to form his wring styles: “ the tip of the iceberg”---seven-eighths of the story’s meaning lies submerged while only one-eighth is visible. During the World WarⅡ, Hemingway tried to enlist the army, but was rejected because of his bad eye which was injured while learning boxing. Then, he was recruited as an ambulance driver working with the Red Cross and went to Europe. This led to the crucial happening of his life. On July 8, 1918 he was severely wounded in the knee in Italy. He recovered in time and remained with the


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