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Unit 2 一:朝代与时期 春秋时期 Spring and Autumn Period from 8th century BC to 5th century BC 东晋时期 The Eastern Jin Dynasty(317-420A.D.) 顺治元年 in the reign of Emperor Shunzhi 明永乐年间 The reign of Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty some 600 years ago 战国时代 Warring?States?Period?(475BC-221BC) 秦朝 Qin Dynasty?(221BC-206BC) 三国时期 Three Kingdom Period (220-280 A.D.) 南北朝 Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589A.D.) 明朝,清朝 Ming Dynasty(1368-1644A.D.),Qing Dynasty(1636-1911) 民国时期 the?Republic?of?China?era?(1912-1949) 二:宗教(建筑、神灵与神物) 佛教禅寺 Buddhist temple 道观 Taoist temples 清真寺 Islamic mosques 教堂 天主教教堂Catholic churches;基督教堂Christian churches; 老西开教堂the old Xikai Church;望海楼教堂Wanghailou Church; 圣母得胜教堂Catholic churches of Notre Dame des Victoires; 大悲禅院 the Great Compassion Temple 观音阁 Guanyin Pavilion 定光佛舍利塔 Dingguang Stupa 独乐寺 Dule Temple 佛舍利 Buddhist Buddhist relic 千手观音 Qianshou Guanyin( Guanyin with a thousand hands) 海神妈祖 The Sea Goddess( the patron Goddess of seamen) 三:建筑风格 园林 辟疆园Pijiang Garden ; 拙政园Zhuozhengyuan Garden / the Humble Administrator`s Garden 小洋楼 Western-style buildings 中古英伦风 Medieval British 意式风情区 Italian Concession 行宫 imperial palace 三级八角形 three-tier octagonal 四:地名表达法 角峰 horn peaks 周口店猿人遗址 the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 中环线、外环线 Middle Ring Road, Outer Ring Road 城区 Urban district 山水 虎丘Tiger Hill; 天平山Tianping Hill; 石湖Stone Lake; 泸沽湖Luguhu Lake; 盘山 Panshan Mountain; 挂月峰Moon Hanging Peak(Guayue Feng) 城镇 丽江古城Lijiang Ancient Town;老城厢in the center of the old city proper 故居 former residences 西北角地区 The Xibeijiao area 回族自治区 A compact area fpr Islamic community “五大道” “五大道” “Five Main Roads”Area 文庙 Wenmiao Temple 黄崖关 Huangyaguan Pass 五:人名表达法 吴王 The King of Wu Kingdom(620-561B.C.) 溥仪 Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty 吉鸿昌将军 Ji Hongchang, a patriotic general during the Anti-Japanese War 梁启超 Liang Qichao, a great scholar, thinker and reformer in modern China 弘一法师 Li Shutong or Master Hongyi, a pioneer


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