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( ) 1. Do you mind ?A. I smoking B. my smoking C. my smoke D. me to smoke( ) 2. Don’t be ?____ , this is not a ______ traffic.A. surprise, surprising B. surprise, surpriseC. surprised, surprising D. surprising, surprised( ) 3. You each _____ good sense of humour.A. with B. has C. have D. are( ) 4. The room is safe to ______ .A. live in B. living in C. live D. live with( ) 5. Hobo has lots to eat and drink. “lots” is ______.A. subject B. object C. attributive D. predicative( ) 6. It’s _____ for us _____ polite in class.A. interesting, to become B. important, toC. good, to D. necessary, to be( ) 7. When you feel _____ to watch TV by the n, you are all right.A. enough good B. enough well C. well enough D. good enough( ) 8. If it isn’t yours, it must be _____ .A. somebody else B. somebody else’s C. else somebody D. else’s somebody( ) 9. Some people ____ that people born under the same star sign ___ share.similar characteristics.A. don’t believe; / B. believe; don’t C. don’t hope; / D. believe; doesn’t( ) 10. Thanks for _____ the new chairperson.A. recommend me as B. recommending me asC. recommend me for D. recommending me for( ) 11. “Do you mind if I sit here?” “_____ .It’s for Mr. Brown.”A. Not at all B. Never min d C. Better not D. Of course not( ) 12. “Are these enough for you all?” “_____.”A. Much more B. Many more C. More many D. Too much( ) 13.It is very kind _____ you to help me with my lessons. It is hard _____ me to learn them well.A. of; for B. of; of C. for; of D. for; for( ) 14. Simon often _____, “I am generous. I like to _____ nice presents to my friends when I go to visit the m.”A. tells; carry B. speaks; bring C. says; talk D. says; take( ) 15. Don’t eat _____ meat. If you do so, You’ll get _____ fat.A.


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