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四年级下册U9一、Unit 9单词有趣篮球足球功夫;武术想溜冰尝试;试乒乓球跳跳远高的;高地跳高网球(国际)象棋二、Unit 9词组踢足球 play .下象棋 . 跳远 .跳高 . 紧挨着 .练武术 fu打篮球/乒乓球/网球 play .三、Unit 9句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1. of the children basketball and football, some of are kung ful. (有些孩子正在打篮球和踢足球,有些孩子在练武术。)2. I they (skate).(我想他们在溜冰。)3. It fun.(那看起来很有趣。)4.I want to and it them. (我想过去和他们一起试一试。) 四、知识考点【知识考点一】Some of… some of… 其中的一些…其中的另一些…, 两个句子的时态要保持一致。Some of the animals are running, some of the animals (sleep). 【知识考点二】I think: “我认为……”, 后面加句子。 Miss White is kind and a little shy. think 和 want 的不同: think指的是“对……的想法,认为”, 后接句子; want 指的是“想要”, 后面接想要的东西或加“to do”. I you are right. I an apple. She to take a bath. 【知识考点三】 play的用法1)“play + 球类运动” 表示“打;踢” football, basketball, volleyball. 2)“play + the+乐器” 表示“弹;拉; 敲”play violin, the guitar. play the (钢琴)play drum (敲鼓)3)“play + 其他” 表示“玩” chess, play (电脑) games4)“play + with…” 表示“和…..一起玩” a dog 和小狗一起玩。【知识考点四】next to.. 紧挨着…..-- Where is your school? -- It’s (紧挨着) a garden.【知识考点五】 fun: 有趣的(形容词); 开心/乐趣(名词); 短语: have fun(玩得开心)Playing chess is very .-- I will have a trip to Beijing next week. -- (玩得开心)【知识考点六】球类大总汇: football(紧挨着), basketball, volleyball, table tennis, baseball (棒球)在美国,football 指的是橄榄球,而足球用soccer表示。 【知识考点七】kung fu: 功夫, 练武术: do kung fu 英语中还有很多由汉语音译的词: toufu 豆腐 jiaozi 饺子 zongzi 粽子【知识考点八】skate: 溜冰 Some children (正在溜冰) in the gym. 去溜冰: go skating去滑雪: go skiing 【知识考点九】try: 试;尝试have a try: 试一试; try to do sth: 尽力做某事 Let me .( 让我试试吧) The boy (try) to (help) the old man. (一般现在时态)【知识考点十】Jump: 跳 do the high jump, do the long jump Long jump跳远Jump long跳得高High jump跳高Jump high跳得远High 和 tall 的区别: High 通常用来形容“山;距离”We are climbing the (高) mountain. Tall 通常用来形容“人;书”等Mr Zhang is (高) and thin.课堂训练:英汉互译1. 正在打乒乓球 .2. next to the tree .3. some of the teachers .4. 在操场上 .5. 去溜冰 .6. 跳高 .7. 跳得高 .8. try to swim in the river .9. look fun .10. 游泳池 .选择题( )1. What the doing in the classroom? A. is, girls B. are, girl C. are, gi


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