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PART THREEEconomic and social questions第三部分经济与社会问题Chapter XIVInternational drug control第十四章国际毒品管制The United Nations continued in 2005 to strengthen international cooperation in countering the world drug problem, mainly through the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The UN system’s drug control activities focused on carrying out the 1999 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction.2005年,联合国主要通过麻醉药品委员会、国际麻醉品管制局(麻管局)、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办)这三个部门的工作,继续加强国际合作,应对世界毒品问题。整个联合国系统的毒品管制活动主要集中在实施1999年《关于执行减少毒品需求指导原则宣言的行动计划》。UNODC coordinated the drug control activities of UN organizations and provided technical expertise to Member States.As the custodian of international conventions to counter the world drug problem, it assisted States in complying with those conventions and supported INCB in monitoring their implementation. States and the international community were assisted in improving data collection and analysis. UNODC also contributed to a strengthened international drug control system through its integrated portfolio of global programmes and regional and country projects. In addition, support was provided for the design and implementation of alternative development programmes and projects in all regions where illicit drugs were cultivated.联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办)协调联合国各机构的毒品管制活动,并为会员国提供技术援助和知识型专长。禁毒办作为对付世界毒品问题的各项国际公约的保管人,协助各国遵守这些公约的规定,并支持国际麻醉品管制局监督公约的执行情况。协助各国和国际社会改善数据收集和分析工作。禁毒办继续改善可供会员国利用的数据和分析工作,通过其全球方案以及区域和国家项目加强国际毒品管制体系。另外,禁毒办支持在非法作物种植地区设计和实施替代发展方案。The Commission on Narcotic Drugs—the main UN drug control policymaking body— recommended a number of draft resolutions to the Economic and Social Council and adopted resolutions on the follow-up to the General Assembly’s twentieth (1998) special session on countering the world drug problem, implementation of the international drug control treaties, demand reduction and the


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