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2013年英语三级(cet3)A级全真模拟试卷(10) Structure(15minutes) Section A 16、______________the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time. A.But for????????????????????????????? B.In case of??? C.In spite of????????????????????????? D.Because of 17、 ______________he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off theprices of the goods. A.Gave??????????????????????????????? B.To give that??? C.Given that????????????????????????? D.Giving that 18、 Themanager of the company insisted that all the staff members______________the newsafety rules. A.would observe??????????????????????? B.observe C.observed???????????????????????????? D.will observe 19、 Imagine yourself as a winner,______________ will make great contributions toyour future success. A.that???????? B.which?????????? C.it????????????? D.and 20、 Itwas two days later ______________they began to discuss my suggestion. A.when????????? B.that????????????? C.what???????????? D.on which 21、 WhenI arrived home after a hard day at work, my wife A.was sleeping???????????????????????? B.had been sleeping??? C.slept??????????????????????????????? D.has been sleeping 22、 Ifyou can t put your PC______________good use, sell it to those who really needit. A.into?????????? B.of?????????????? C.to??????????????? D.with 23、 Evidence came up_________________specific sounds are recognized by babies asyoung as 6 months old. A.what????????? B.which?????????? C.that????????????? D.whose 24、 I mstill unable to make myself _________________in the discussion, which worriesme a lot. A.to be understood????????????????????? B.understanding??? C.understood?????????????????????????? D.understand 25、Which do you think is _________________important, health or wealth? A.most B.the most C.the more D.moreStructure(15minutes) Section B 26、Scientists think laser (be)_________________one of the most useful tools today. 27、 Heis now accustomed to (walk)_________________to work everyday. 28、 Atthe bus stop (be)_________________a sold



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