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我国《保险法》与《海商法》下保险合同主体的界定及分析 专业班级:_______________________ 姓名:___________________________ 指导教师:_______________________ 摘要 《海商法》是调整在航海贸易中与船舶有关的各种关系的国内法律;《保险法》是指调整保险关系的一切法律规范的总称。本文通过介绍《海商法》与《保险法》在保险合同主体的界定方面的不同,分析了它们的不同之处,以及各自的优缺点,意在与表现二者的关联性和异同性。文章第一部分大体介绍了《海商法》和《保险法》的定义,以及保险合同主体的概念,其中重点介绍了财产保险的主体。又分别讲述了《海商法》和《保险法》对于保险合同主体的界定是如何的,以及它们之间的区别。文章第二部分分析了我国法律对保险合同主体界定不同的原因。第三部分则具体分析了保险合同主体界定不同的合理性与局限性,通过具体的条例突出了各自的优缺点,使重点突出,鲜明。并且提出了二者结合更为重要的观点,为后文的描述做出了铺垫。本文的第四部分,通过现实生活中的具体事例分析了《海商法》与《保险法》关于保险合同主体界定的不同从而导致的其他方面不同,以致于结果的不同。第五部分,结合两法阐述了海上保险实践中出现的争议,及笔者的思考和讨论。第六部分作为总结,笔者提出了自己的想法,在实践中结合二者的优点,可以取得更大的进展。 关键词:海商法;保险法;保险合同主体;优越性;局限性 Abstract The maritime law is to adjust in maritime trade and shipping related domestic laws of various relationships; Insurance law refers to adjust the relationship between the floorboard of the legal norms. In this paper, by introducing the maritime law and insurance law in the definition of insurance contract main body different, analyzed their differences, and their respective advantages and disadvantages, to both relevance and gay. The article first part generally introduces the definition of maritime law and insurance law, and the concept of insurance contract main body, which focus on the main body of property insurance. And tells the story of maritime law and insurance law, respectively, for the definition of insurance contract main body how, as well as the differences between them. The article second part analyzes the legal definition of insurance contract main body different reasons. The third part analyzes the definition of rationality and limitations of different insurance contract subject, through the specific regulations, highlight their strengths and weaknesses, make the highlight, bright. And puts forward the viewpoint that the combination is more important, as described later in this article has made the ground. The fourth part of this article, by way of analyzing the concrete examples in real life,


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