poor people in America.doc

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首页 - 新闻 - 英国新闻 - 正文 美国的穷人需要帮助 merica’s poor were little mentioned in Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. They deserve better 巴拉克·奥巴马寻求其连任的竞选期间,很少提及美国的贫困人口。美国的穷人们应该拥有更好的生活。? ? You do what you can 尽你所能 WHEN Barack Obama first ran for president, Emma Hamilton was part of that politically crucial cohort, the white working class. A tall woman with tawny hair, broad shoulders, a firm handshake and a forthright, direct manner, Ms Hamilton worked as a loader at a factory in Sumter, a modest city of 40,000 in east-central South Carolina. In July 2008, however, after seven years on the factory floor, she mangled her hand between two heavy rollers. The accident was to leave her unable to work. 当巴拉克?奥巴马第一次竞选总统第一次竞选美国总统时,Emma Hamilton是有着重要政治意义的白种人工人阶级的一份子。她是个有着一头黄褐色头发的高个子女人,宽宽的肩膀,稳重有力,有着直率的态度。Hamilton女士在萨姆特的一家工厂当装卸工,萨姆特是位于南卡罗莱纳州中东部的一座拥有40000人口的安静的城市。2008年7月,在这家工厂工作七个年头后,Hamilton女士在两台重型滚轴间弄伤了她的手。事故使得她无法继续她的工作。 She lost her house three years later, in April 2011. She, her 20-year-old son and her dog moved into her teal Chevy van, where they have been living ever since, collecting metal cans during the day and sleeping in a grocery-store car park at night. 三年后,在2011年4月,她失去了她的房子。她,她20岁的儿子和她的狗搬进了她的雪佛兰厢式货车里,自从那时起,他们一直生活在车子里。白天就收集金属罐,晚上就睡在一个超市的停车场里。 -------------译者:猫记-审核者:chen_lt------------ When a pain in Ms Hamilton’s leg grew too severe to ignore, an employee at the shelter where she and her son occasionally stay directed her to the Excelsior Medical Clinic in downtown Sumter. The assistant who checked her in was named Patricia Dunham. Ms Dunham has cinnamon-coloured skin, arresting blue eyes and an easy, infectious laugh. She works at the Excelsior for 37.5 hours each week. At night she works behind the counter at a fast-food restaurant. The first job pays $12.50 an hour, the second $7.25, the federal minimum wage. If she could rely on 24 hours a week at the restaurant—which is what she would like—she would earn $32,137.50 for working 61.5 hours a week, 50 weeks a yea


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