Software Engineering Question Bank.doc

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Software Engineering Question Bank 2 Marks 1. What is Application Software? Apply to real-world tasks. Helps to solve user problems 2. Define Freeware. 1. Free to all 2. Copyrighted 3. Distributed in machine-readable format 3. Define Software Engineering. Software engineering is the engineering discipline through which software is developed 4. Define Requirement Analysis. Extracting the requirements of a desired software product is the first task 5. Define Software prototyping. Software prototyping, refers to the activity of creating?prototypes?of software applications 6. Define Data Design. Created by transforming the analysis model into data structures required to implement the software 7. Define Abstraction. Allows designers to focus on solving a problem without being concerned about lower level details 8. Define Requirement Engineering. Requirements engineering is the process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system 9. Define Domain Requirements Requirements that come from the application domain of the system and that reflect characteristics of that domain 10. Define Data processing model. Data processing model shows how the data is processed at different stages 11. Define Software Testing Software testing?is an investigation conducted to provide customers with information about the quality of the product under test 12. Define Black Box Testing Internal system design is not considered in this type of testing. Tests are based on requirements and functionality. 13. Define 4P’s in Project Management. People Product Process Project 14. Define PM-CMM. People Management Capability Maturity Model 15. Define Common Process Framework Activity. Communication Planning Modeling Construction Deployment 5 Marks Explain Freeware and Shareware. Freeware Free to all Copyrighted Distributed in machine-readable format Shareware Freely distributed for a trial period Pay a nominal fee to


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