TED,why does the universuty exist.doc

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Why does the university exist? Why does the universe exist??Why is there — Okay. Okay. (Laughter)?This is a cosmic mystery. Be solemn.?Why is there a world, why are we in it,?and why is there something rather than nothing at all??I mean, this is the super ultimate why question? 为什么宇宙存在吗?为什么有——好吧。好吧。(笑声)这是一个宇宙的神秘。是严肃的。为什么会有一个世界,我们为什么,为什么有什么而不是没有吗?我的意思是,这是超级终极“为什么”的问题吗? 0:30So Im going to talk about the mystery of existence,?the puzzle of existence,?where we are now in addressing it,?and why you should care,?and I hope you do care.?The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said that?those who dont wonder about the contingency of their existence,?of the contingency of the worlds existence,?are mentally deficient.?Thats a little harsh, but still. (Laughter)?So this has been called the most sublime?and awesome mystery,?the deepest and most far-reaching question?man can pose.?Its obsessed great thinkers.?Ludwig Wittgenstein, perhaps the greatest?philosopher of the 20th century,?was astonished that there should be a world at all.?He wrote in his Tractatus, Proposition 4.66,?It is not how things are in the world?that is the mystical,?its that the world exists.?And if you dont like taking your epigrams?from a philosopher, try a scientist.?John Archibald Wheeler, one of the great physicists?of the 20th century,?the teacher of Richard Feynman,?the coiner of the term black hole,?he said, I want to know?how come the quantum,?how come the universe, how come existence??And my friend Martin Amis —?sorry that Ill be doing a lot of name-dropping in this talk,?so get used to it —?my dear friend Martin Amis once said?that were about five Einsteins away from answering?the mystery of where the universe came from.?And Ive no doubt there are five Einsteins?in the audience tonight.?Any Einsteins? Show of hands? No? No? No??No Einsteins? Okay. 所以我要谈论的神秘存在,存在的难题,我们现在在解决它,以及为什么要关注它,我希望你做护理。哲学家叔本华说,那些不怀疑他们存在的应急应变的世界的存在,精神不足。有点严厉,但仍然。(笑声)因此被称为最崇高和可怕的神秘,人可以带来最深的、最深远的问题。这是伟大的思想家。路德维希维特根斯坦,或许是20世纪最伟大的哲学家


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