unit4beauty and beast美女与野兽.doc

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Unit4 Beauty and the Beast Part1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Task 1: Retell the story with the help of the hints given blow. the transformation of the prince Maurice’s trespassing on the castle and imprisonment Belle’s coming to her father’s rescure the change of the beast and his relationship with Belle Gaston’s plot to force Belle to marry and his attack on the castle the break of the spell Section B Character Analysis Task 2: Work in groups. Focus on the most impressive scenes in the movie and discuss the symbolic meaning of the characters. Beast: in the castle; in the woods; in the west wing Belle: in the town; in the castle; in the dining room Gaston: in Belle’s house; in the tavern; in his house Task 3: Work in groups and answer the following questions. What makes Belle seen as a strange girl and become the target of gossip in her small French town? Gaston, tall, strong and handsome, is considered an ideal marriage partner by many girls in the town. But why does Belle dislike him and reject his proposal? Why do the household items become so delighted at Belle’s coming and warmly welcome and entertain her? What makes Belle change her attitude to the Beast? Not only does the movie portray vivid characters but its objects and props are also endowed with special meaning. What do you think is the underlying function of the magic mirror and the enchanted rose? Section C A Review on the Movie Task 4: Listen to the review on the movie and complete it by filling in the blanks. Beauty and Beast conveys a simple but very important message: being kind to others and refraining from judging others by appearances, for beauty is found within. It also gives insights into human nature of how true love can change even the darkest and coldest side of hearts. In the movie, a once handsome young prince (1) _______________________________________________ as punishment for his being cold-hearted and making judgements based on appearance. He has been cursed and r



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