【南方凤凰台】2014届高考英语二轮 限时精练一 综合性过关练习(三).doc

【南方凤凰台】2014届高考英语二轮 限时精练一 综合性过关练习(三).doc

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二轮提优:限时精练一45分钟综合性过关小练习(三) 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将学校、班级、姓名写在密封线内。 2. 请将选择题的答案根据老师批改需要填写在试卷第3页所附的答题栏内。 一、 单项填空 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (  )1. The celebration for my promotion to Chief Manager held last night was      great success. We young people sang and danced till it came to      end late into the night.? A. the; an B. the; the C. a; an D. a; the (  )2. It’s amazing that I heard from my old friend last week.     , it is about two dozen years since we said goodbye to each other last time.? A. In a word    B. Sooner or later C. Once in a while    D. Believe it or not (  )3. —Hi, Peter, how are you? —Sorry, I am Jack. You      our twin brothers.? A. were mixing up  B. mixed up C. have mixed up  D. mix up (  )4. —How is your father? Is he better after he came out of hospital? —He     have been, but he didn’t follow the doctor’s advice.? A. will   B. should C. must D. would (  )5. After the young man graduated from school, he      playing the piano for some reason, but not long before he gave it up.? A. drew up B. kept up C. saved up D. took up (  )6.      you never camp for more than a night or two at a time, you still have to choose a comfortable tent for its convenience.? A. Even if B. As though     C. Now that D. In case (  )7. —How does Lucy like the new dress she bought in Rome? —She said she     it, had she known Mary had already got such an Italian style.? A. would not buy          B. will not buy C. would not have bought    D. should not buy (  )8. A company must consider how it      data in order that its employees can find what they need without difficulty.? A. accumulates   B. recognizes C. classifies      D. identifies (  )9.      with so much difficulty made the medical team fail to complete the task on time.? A. Being faced B. Face C. Facing D. Faced (  )10. Mr Brown has earned the respect of farmers everywhere.     , they know they can trust him.? A. Therefore   B. Furthermore C. However  D. Likewise (  )11. The old man as well as his two dog


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