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冲孔落料连续模设计及三维CAD实体动画仿真 摘要 连续模,又称为多工位连续模、级进模、跳步模,它是在一副模具内,按所加工的工件分为若干等距离的工位,在每个工位上设置一个或几个基本冲压工序,来完成冲压工件某部分的加工。被加工材料,事先加工成一定宽度的条料,采用某种送进方法,每次送进一个步距。经逐个工位冲制后,便得到一个完整的冲压工件。在一副级进模中,可以连续完成冲裁、弯曲、拉深、成形等工序。一般来说,无论冲压零件形状怎样复杂,冲压工序怎样多,均可用一副级进模冲制完成。 本设计为冲孔、落料两工位级进冲裁模。首先,分析工件的尺寸及精度要求等个方面的信息和要求,确定排样图和模具型式及总体结构方案。然后根据工件分别计算和设计各2D零件草图及修改、检验、校核。接着,设计挡料装置及定位装置,由于本设计工件的精度要求不高且生产为中、大批量故采用自动挡料装置和定位销装置即可满足要求。最后,检验无误后,用Pro/E软件生成3D实体进行动画仿真,以校验该设计的合理性及正确性。 关键词 连续模具;冲裁模;模具设计;仿真动画;Pro/E Punching cut Multi-position progressive mold Design And 3D-CAD Animation Simulation Abstract Consecutive modules, also known as the multi-national industrial spaces in a row, the class into modules, jump-state, it is in a warning, according to the final processing is divided into equidistance of the spaces in each of the spaces on one or several basic stamping processes, to complete the processing of certain ram her. Were processed materials prior to the processing of materials into a certain width, using a hospital means a step away from each hospital. After-work spaces salt system, the ram will be a complete piece. In a class into modules that can be completed for arbitration, bending, pulling deep and formative processes. Generally, whether ram parts shape how complex, how much ram processes may use a salt-class system into modules completed. The design of accessible, public spaces class into two or expected arbitration modules. First, the size and accuracy of her analysis of the information and requirements for establishing emission maps and layout patterns and overall structure. According to her calculation and design, respectively, and then the 2D parts and the draft revision, testing, verification. Then, the design and positioning devices turned Liu devices, because the final design and production of precision do not ask for, the use of large quantities Zidongdang expected to be installed and positioning devices to meet local requirements. Finally, testing accuracy, the software used Pro/E generated 3D


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