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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题  目 数字水印在防伪印刷中的应用 姓  名 学号 院  系 学院 专  业 指导教师 职称 讲师 20 年 月 日 曲阜师范大学教务处制 目 录 摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract 1 Key words 1 引言 1 1 数字水印技术 1 1.1 数字水印的基本模型 2 1.2 数字水印的分类 3 1.3 数字水印特征 4 1.4 数字水印的应用领域 4 2 防伪印刷 5 2.1 防伪印刷技术 5 2.2 防伪印刷技术的分类 5 2.3 常见印刷品的防伪方法 5 2.3.1 雕刻凹版印刷与防伪 5 2.3.2 防伪标识 5 2.3.3 防伪水印纸 6 2.3.4 防伪纸张 6 2.3.5 防伪油墨 6 2.3.6 条形码防伪技术 6 2.3.7 电码防伪标识及电话识别系统 6 3 数字水印在防伪印刷中的应用 6 3.1 数字水印应用在印刷防伪中的原理及方法 7 3.1.1 数字水印应用在印刷防伪中的原理 7 3.1.2 数字水印应用在印刷防伪中的方法 7 3.2 数字水印应用于防伪印刷的几种算法 7 3.3 数字水印应用于防伪的特点分析 8 3.4 数字水印在印刷防伪中的应用实例 8 4 总结 9 致谢 10 参考文献 10 数字水印在防伪印刷中的应用 印刷工程 苑蒙 指导教师 摘要:关键词: Implications of Watermark Technology in the Field of Print-materials Security Student Majoring in Graphic Arts Yuan Meng Tutor Jiao Chunyan Abstract: Through analyzing the current situation of printing anti-counterfeiting application, simple introduces the traditional print anti-fake method, Compared to other frogery prevention techniques, the porposed techniques can decrease the cost of production and be completed easily. It is a significative try to introduce digital watermark technique in presswork forgery prevention field. Mainly from the security principles, general model and classification of digital watermarking technology studying and giving digital watermark embedding, detecting and extracting model in the anti-counterfeiting. Combining with the anti-counterfeiting printing requirements put forward several examples of digital watermark applied to anti-counterfeiting printing, and analyzed the problems existing in the digital watermark applied to anti-counterfeiting printing, and prospects of its application to make paper. Key words: digital watermarking; anti-counterfeiting printing; watermarking algorithms 引言 数字水印是指用信号处理的方式在数字载体中嵌入一个可感知或不可感知的难以去除的标识信息


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