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* * ▲Manned spacecraft landed ▲ The Soviet Union astronaut Yuri Gagarin ?Time: 12th April,1961(50年前) ?Country: The Soviet Union(前苏联) ? Leading role: Yuri Gagarin(尤里-加加林) ?Story: The Soviet Union launched the world’s first manned spacecraft(载人飞船) Vostok 1(东方1号) into space. The journey last only 108mins. ★第一艘载人飞船 ?Time: 18th March,1965(46年前) ?Country: The Soviet Union(前苏联) ? Leading role: Alexei Leonov(阿列克谢-列昂诺夫) ?Story: The manned spacecraft Rise 2 sent Alexei Leonov into space. He walked in the space for 12mins, which made him become the world’s first man to walk in the space. ▲ Alexei Leonov ★第一次太空行走 ?Time: 21st July,1969(42年前) ?Country: The United State of America(美国) ? Leading role: Neil Armstrong (尼尔-阿姆斯特朗) ?Story: The United State launched Apollo 11 (阿波罗11号) into space. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and left his footprints on it. Then he commented that: That’s one small step for a man ,one giant leap for mankind.(个人一小步,人类一大步。) ▲ Neil Armstrong walked on the moon ▲ Apollo 11 ★人类第一次登月 ?Time: 25th July,1984(27年前) ?Country: The Soviet Union(前苏联) ? Leading role: Sa Viets card (萨维茨卡娅) ?Story: Soviet astronaut Sa Viets card is the female who first carries on spaces walk on July 25, 1984, she has carried on 3 hour 35 minute cabin activity from the Salute 7th Space Station(礼炮7号空间站). ★第一名女宇航员 ? Soviet astronaut Sa Viets card ?Time: 15th October,2003(8年前) ?Country: China(中国) ? Leading role: Yang Liwei (杨利伟) ?Story :China launched Shenzhou V spacecraft (神舟5号)with one astronaut, which meant China became the third country to send man into space successfully, following the Soviet Union and the United States. ★中国第一名宇航员 ▲ China’s first astronaut ▲ Shenzhou V spacecraft Wormhole The Milky Way A black hole capture the stars. Look from the flank of the Milky Way, it is like a flat plate . * *


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