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《发展研究专业英语》 第二学期结课要求(2015年5月) 要求: 在第二至第四页的“Is China Starting to Live its Dream?”和第五至第七页的“Why do we fear a rising China?”两篇文章中任选一篇进行自由英语写作,自行拟定标题、副标题、主题、文体,要求1000字至1500字。请使用教务处标准封面。 具体评分点: 不能按时上交论文将酌情扣分; 如两份写作/翻译出现雷同,最高将只获得及格分; 低于1000字或高于1500字将酌情扣分; 文章的完整性:有层次的论点(最少三个)、分析、总结; 格式的具体注意事项包括: 版面美观、整洁; 正文内容使用11号‘Times New Roman或Arial’字体,标题(二级标题)使用14号黑体字,行间距为‘单倍行距’,段落前后间距0.5行,段落两端对齐,‘Abstract(非必须)’使用与正文同样规范的斜体字; 使用规范的标点符号(严禁出现中文标点); 正确使用空格(标点前后); 段落间及语句间的逻辑(context)情况; 总体的英语写作水平; 发送电子版的邮件格式(邮件主题栏写:“final paper”+姓名+学号;禁止发空头邮件)。 期限: 必须在6月5日24点前将电子版发至老师邮箱(lifan@);;每人打印一份纸质版,由李明蔚收齐并转交老师。 请注意: 1)请大家认真写作,老师将认真修改(每份至少两个段落) 2)老师将根据具体写作情况随机在每一份中抽取3-5句进行网络检索,如出现整句抄袭的情况,获得分数将不超过75分。 Is China Starting to Live its Dream? By VOA 20 December, 2014 A recent poll by The New York Times shows that fewer and fewer people in the United States believe in the American dream. The poll asked the question: Do you believe you can start out poor in this country, work hard and become rich? Only 64 percent of Americans said yes. Trust in the American dream may be disappearing. But halfway around the world, a new dream has been gaining strength – the Chinese dream. To be exact: Xi Jinpings Chinese dream. In his November 2012 speech as the new leader of the Communist Party, President Xi said, I believe that realizing the great revival of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times. The expression Chinese dream has since become President Xi Jinpings political slogan. But, what is the Chinese dream? And how has President Xi started to make that dream a reality? The beginning of a dream The term ‘Chinese dream was actually first used by environmental groups and the U.S. media. One New York Times story by reporter Thomas Friedman appeared in newspapers across China. In that story, Mr. Friedman wrote, if Xis dream for Chinas emerging middle class — 300 million people expected to grow to 800 million by 2025 — is just like the American Dream (a big car, a big house


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