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从妇女社会地位的变迁看英语词汇的变化 Elvation of Women’s Social Status Reflected in the Change of English Words 【摘要】Woman had been in an inferior position for several centuries,however,women`s status in recent decades has been improved greatly. As a minor of society,language reflects the change correctly. Articles focuses on the variation of English words to reflect the transformation of women`s status. Language is the carrier of culture and a reflection of society. Every class in the society can be reflected by the language appropriately. Where the position of women in society can also reflect through the language. … 朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典 1 地位.“如A man of straw is worth of a woman of gold.(稻草男儿抵得上金玉女子)。If husband be not at home, there is nobody.(丈夫不在家,等于说没人).Man, woman, and devil are three degrees of comparison.(男人、女人和魔鬼三个等级分贵贱).这些大男子主义色彩的谚语集中反映了妇女受欺凌、歧视的社会地位。” 2 婚嫁.“A fair face is half portion(姿色颜,嫁妆半)。Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can(娶妻不忙,嫁女宜速)。It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well。(养女易,嫁女难)。反映重男轻女的思想和把女性商品化的倾向。” 3 言行。“如Words are women, deeds are men.(女子巧舌,男儿实干)。Husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not. (老婆不唠叨,丈夫就像在天堂里)。Many women, many words; Many geese, many turds (鹅的屎多,女人的话多)。女人常常被拿来与动物相提并论,多话的行为男女都有,根据生理科研表明,女子大脑中语言中心的溶积比男子大的多,女性喜欢与人交流,这算不上是女人的缺点。” 4 才智。“Long hair, short wit. Woman have long hair and short brains(女人头发长,见识短)。When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in women. (毛驴登梯时,女人才有才智)。男人一方面鼓吹“女子无才便是德”,而当女子循规蹈矩之后 ,又骂女人头发长见识短。” 5 品德。“ fair woman without virtue is like palled wine.(美女无德,淡酒一杯)。Virtue is faire far than beauty.(美德远胜美貌)。” 6 特征。“oman is made to weep.(女子生性好哭)。 Frailty, thy name is women(弱者,你的名字是女人)。”[3]艾平.语中的性别歧视与性别谚语的差异分析.[J]边疆文化与文化2005.3.第三期中南民族大学外语学院.湖北.武汉.430024:P104[5]刘娜.英汉性别歧视语言的对比分析管窥.[J]长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)2005. 3第24卷第二期:P85-86[7]靳梅琳.社会语言学和英语语言学.[M]南开大学出版社.2005.2:P27-28[9]吴友富.外语与文化研究.[M]上海外语教育出版社..2004.1:P306[10]褚莱莱.浅析性别歧视现象在英语中的体现。[J]妇女研究论丛 2004.3 第24卷第二期:P23-24


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