从构建主义看旅游 翻译从构建主义看旅游 翻译.doc

从构建主义看旅游 翻译从构建主义看旅游 翻译.doc

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]“真实性”理论从旅游动机和旅游者认知角度对旅游吸引物进行理论阐释,是旅游研究的核心概念之一。在旅游界引起了热烈的讨论和广泛的争议。 “Authenticity” theory physically demonstrates why tourism is attracted to tourists from their travelling motive and cognitive perspective. “Authenticity” theory is one of the core concepts and it lights up warm discussion and broaden arguments in tourism industry. “真实性”(Authenticity)一词源于希腊语,意思是“自己做的”、“最初的”。真实性概念最初用于描述博物馆的艺术展品,之后被借用到哲学领域的人类存在主义的研究中(Trilling,1972)。19世纪70年代,旅游者开始重视“真实性”的旅游体验,期望获得更真实、更深入的旅游体验, The word “Authenticity” originated from Greek, it means “do it yourself”, “the foremost”. The definition of authenticity was primordially used to describe the art works in museums, and then was utilized in the research of human existentialism in philosophy industry (Trilling,1972). Since 1970s, tourists began to focus on the “authenticity” travelling experience with the expectation of acquiring more authenticated and deepener travelling experience. 建构主义者认为世界是多彩的、多元的、弹性的(Wang,1999)。旅游场景并不是一种不动产,其真实性是观者赋予其上的一种价值评价。旅游客体被旅游者体验为真实时,并不是因为事实就是如此,而是被当作真实性的符号和象征(Culler,1981),仅仅是象征意义上的真实(Symbolic Authenticity)。 Constructionists hold the opinion that the world is colorful, diversified and variable (Wang,1999). The travelling spots are not immovable properties; their authenticities are from the observers’ evaluation to them. When tourists authenticate the authenticity of the traveled objectives, it doesn’t mean it’s the fact, instead, they are only regarded as the symbols and signs of authenticity, are merely Symbolic Authenticity. 科恩(Cohen,1988)认为真实性是一个相对的、商榷的概念,并将成为旅游社会学、旅游人类学研究的核心。科恩以迪斯尼为例,解释了即使有些事物最初是不真实的或人工的,但随着时间的流逝慢慢会变成“自然而然的真实”。 Cohen (1988) raised the opinion that authenticity is a relative and discussed definition; it will become the core of sociology and anthropology of the tourism industry. Cohen took the Disney Park as example to explain even some things are artificial or not real at the beginning, as time passed, they will gradually become “naturally true”. 3.2建构主义与客观主义的比较   科恩从景观的本质(Natu



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