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大学英语四(六)级写作 一. 概述 二. 开头的方法 三. 结尾的方法 四. 作文中常用的一些句型和连词 五. 作文框架 一、概述 二、作文开头的方法 三、作文结尾的方法 四、作文中常用的一些句型和连词 五、作文框架 1 . 关于阐述观点 2. 关于分析解决问题 3. 关于利与弊 4. 关于流行话题 关于对比式作文 对比式作文常用模式 For most people today, _____ has become their major source of ____.But as for me, ____. A number of reasons may help at his point. I like A not only because it _____but because it gives_____. Moreover, it _____. However,/ on the contrary / in contrast, / by B, you’re _____. Although B has its own advantages, it can not compare with A in _1) 2) 3). So I prefer A , w hen I ______, I would ______ 5. 关于如何做(How) 6. 关于图表作文 1) Invitation and Reply (邀请信 及复函) 2) Thank-You Letters (感谢信) 3) Letter of Complaint (投诉信) 4) Letters of Congratulation (贺信) 5) Letters of Application (申请信、求职信) 一、写感谢信应注意: 1、在较正式的感谢信中,一般2-3行文字。在向朋友等较熟悉的人表达感激的非正式的感谢信中,文字可以多一点,但1-2段就足够。 2、在正式的感谢信中,首先要表达感激。在非正式的信中,表到感激可间接一些,但在信的第一段必须提到。 3、感谢信通常包括的内容有:1)表达感激 2)对方的体贴、周到、细心、热情等 3)表示将来有望回报或继续合作等 4)再次表示感谢。 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 二、常用句型(basic patterns) This is to thank you for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much we enjoyed seeing you again.再一次感谢您的热情款待。这次重逢我们感到十分愉快。 I appreciate very much your…非常感谢您给予我们的… Many thanks for remembering our anniversary and for your flattering remarks.感谢您对我们纪念日的惦挂以及您热情洋溢的贺词。 Thank you for your letter which has meant a great deal to me at this time.感谢您的来信。此时此刻,这封信对我来说意义重大。 Your early attention to this reservation will be appreciated.如蒙早日确认我们的预定,将不胜感激。 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Sample (for thank-you letters) 15 March, 2005 Dear Mrs.Long, It was so good of you to give my husband and me so much of your time. We enjoy and appreciate all your gracious hospitality to us more than we can see. We hope that you and Mr.Long may come to China before long and we may have the pleasure of seeing you then in our home. Thanks a


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