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From Therapy with Music To Music Therapy A Brief Historical Review Music Therapy Music and music experiences as tools for healing, growth, development Primary Elements: Client Therapist Music A Process Why Music Therapy? Ancient physicians recognized that music affected human beings’ moods, energy levels, emotions… Aristotle (catharsis), Plato (tx for the soul), etc. prescribed music for patients with physical mental illnesses Moral view: some types of music were considered better than others for treating “Melancholy” and for “building character” Very Early Europeans Non-Europeans Spiritual/Religious Healing Placate gods exorcize demons Trance states (Shamanic approaches) Sick person did not play- others provided musical stimulus for the Shaman- Shaman communicates with a god or gods to learn how to best treat the patient Drumming and chanting Greeks: Rational Medicine 4 Humours: Balance Blood Phlegm Yellow Bile Black Bile This theoretical view lasted 2000 years!; into the 1600s The Rise of Catholicism Dichotomy: Power! And (vs.) compassion Power dictated what was good right Compassion dictated that ill persons should be offered some form of tx EXCEPT mental illness! Devil/demon possession Shunned, ridiculed, tortured, killed Music for prayer and worship- to “heal the sick” Church controlled quality of “good” music- down to the specific use of musical elements (e.g., tri-tone) Medicine Music- 1600s-early 1900s Advanced Societies: Advanced medicine Music Medicine linked Microscope invented: cells discovered and studied Physicians were upper class- studied music- valued music for altering moods, bringing joy, positive pastime endeavor, etc. Science: Music Medicine Part Ways 1800s forward Mind Body are viewed as separate Likewise, Musicians were musicians Physicians were physicians Enlightenment regarding treatment for Atypical persons Education reforms- (Industrial Revolution) 1832 Perkin School for the Blind Music programming Early 1900s- attemp


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