人教版英语Unit 3 Could you clean your room Section A.ppt

人教版英语Unit 3 Could you clean your room Section A.ppt

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Read the chores freely do the dishes. take out the rubbish. fold the clothes. sweep the floor. make your bed. clean the living room. How to make a request(要求)? Sweep the floor , Peter! Can you sweep the floor, Peter? Could you please sweep the floor? Turn to page 99, read the listening material by yourself. Display and Comments (展示及点评) 要求: 1.表演后下列组相互点评 1——2,3——4, 5——6,7____1 2. 点评方面:句子的准确性,流畅性,语音语调。 Each group is a family . (每组为一个家庭编一个对话。) 2. We need to clean the house. (由于某事全家总动员收拾房间。) 3. To make a similar conversation of listening material.(仿照听力材料编一个对话。) Group work: Family drama(家庭短剧) We need to clean the house. We are going to have a party. Could you please… wash the clothes clean the window cook the meal …. Mom: Dad: Peter:… Grandpa: … Grandma: … Tom: … * Period 1 Section A 1a—1c Unit 3:Could you please clean the room? (灰姑娘) They are doing housework. /t??:r/ chores家务 Look at these chores . do the dishes sweep the floor 打扫 /swi:p/ /fl?:(r)/ take out the rubbish(垃圾) /r?bi? / clean the living room fold the clothes折叠 /f?uld/ make the bed 要求:1.小组内大声朗读。 2. 会读的同学教不会的同学。 do the dishes take out the rubbish sweep the floor fold the clothes clean the living room make the bed Which is the most polite(礼貌) ? A: Could you please ? do the dishes B: Yes I can/Sure/All right/No problem/certainly B: No, I can’t. I have to…(do my homework) Sorry, I can’t. I have to… sweep the floor 要求:1. 1组—图1; 2组—图2,; 3组—图3 4组—图4; 5组—图5; 6,7组— 图6 2. 练习时所有学生起立。 3. 小组内2个人结对练习。 4. 练习时间:3分钟。 A: Could you ple



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