医护英语二级Unit 3 part C_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区.pptVIP

医护英语二级Unit 3 part C_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区.ppt

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制作:李 欣 主讲:李 欣 Unit Three Stroke Review 复习提问 1. Dictation 2. Word building -ology -ologist biology 生物学 biologist 生物学家 psychology 心理学 psychologist心理学家 zoology 动物学 zoologist 动物学家 Review 复习提问 3. Structure: the positive forms of adj. The positive form combined with a noun as + adj. + n.(phrase) as She is as nice a person as Jim. The use of ellipsis as adj. as He didnt act as well as you. The use of adv. adv. as adj. as This is two times as big as that one. Can you remember this picture? Why would there be clot or burst? Lead in 新课导入 AIMS:职业综合能力培养目标 1.知识目标:掌握与中风及护理相关的词汇,了解相关知识,掌握连读技巧。 2.能力目标:通过课堂基本练习,使学生能够较熟练在口语中运用连读,使用与中风相关词汇。 3.情感、态度与价值观目标:了解英语发音习惯。 New lesson Word hesitate 犹豫,踌躇;?不愿 make a different 起(重要)作用 outcome 结果;?成果 cut off 切断,断绝,剥夺继承权 depend on 依赖,依靠 location 位置,特定区域 New lesson Word paralysis 瘫痪,麻痹 acute 敏锐的,急性的,剧烈的 available 可用到的,可利用的,有用的 critically 批评地,用钻研眼光地,精密地 frequently 常常,频繁地 ischemic 局部缺血性的 I. Comprehension of the text D D B A C Exercises巩固练习 Text II. Vocabulary paralysis depend on location symptom location acute Exercises Text III. Translation 1. Tom credits his baby girl with saving his life, although she was aided by a mother who knew enough to call 911, and a hospital with a stroke team equipped to administer clotbusting drugs. 汤姆认为他的得救应归功于他的小女儿,尽管孩子的妈妈也帮了忙——因为妈妈知道拨打急救电话911;汤姆同时也认为是医院救了他的命——因为医院里有治疗中风的团队,及时给他服用了溶栓药品。 Exercises ‘Little teacher (小教师)’ Text III. Translation 2. And I was extremely lucky to live near a cutting-edge hospital staffed with excellent doctors and nurses who are up to date in the latest techniques. 并且我非常幸运的住在设施一流的医院附近,医院有优秀的医护人员,他们掌握先进的医术。 Exercises Text III. Translation 3. Depending upon the amount of blood involved and location of the stroke area in the brain, a person having a stroke can show many signs and symptoms. 由于涉及的血量不同,也由于脑部的中风区域不同,中风患者可能会


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