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英语短语第六期rain or shine不论晴雨;不论如何 Brad took his daughter walking every day, rain or shine.不论晴雨,布莱德每天都会带女儿去散步。Airmail/ air mail. Would you like to send this letter by air mail? 这封信你想用航空邮件寄出吗?express mail快递邮件 My boss told me to send the package by express mail. 老板要我用快递邮件寄出包裹。 go out with somebody约会;交往 Julia went out with Robert last night. He took her for dinner.茱莉亚昨晚跟罗伯约会,共进晚餐。 ask somebody out邀约约会 I really hope John asks me out. I really like him.我好希望约翰开口约我,我好喜欢他。 ?see somebody 与某人交往 I cant go out with you. Im already seeing someone.我不能和你交往,我已经有男(/女)朋友了。 play away 玩掉(时间) I can play the week away with mahjong! 我可以这整个星期都在打麻将! play on words玩文字游戏 A: Why did the actor say “Its sundown for you, pal” there?为何演员那边要说‘朋友,你的太阳下山了 ’? B: Its a play on words...I think hes gonna kill the other guy!那是在玩文字游戏……我想他要去杀那一个人! Whats that mean... 是What does that mean...?的缩写。口语中因常将what does两个字连音。故衍生出此种非正式的书写方法 Youre leaving me? Whats that mean?!deck out 盛装打扮You look all decked out to go somewhere. 你看来打扮得全身光鲜,像要去哪里一样。after all毕竟,究竟 I came here to see you after all.我毕竟还是来这里看你了remind someone of... 提醒某人想到… This song reminds me of high school.这首歌让我回想到高中生活。grow up on...伴随着…长大。在此是指 ‘吃…长大’ I grew up on Thai food. Its really hot. 我是吃泰式料理长大的。那真的很辣 make a toast举杯祝贺,干杯 A: Id like to make a toast...to friendship.我想要举杯庆祝……敬友谊万岁。 B: Here, heMake yourself at home. 把这儿当作自己家 Come in. Make yourself at home. 请进。当作自己家,别客气。no wonder 难怪,不足为奇 A: I got lost on the way here.我来这儿的路上迷了路。 B: No wonder youre late. 难怪你迟到了。 send off送出 I sent Bobby off to school early today.我今天很早就送巴比去上学了off and on断断续续地 A: How long have you lived in Germany? 你在德国住了多久 B: Off and on for the past six years. hold off 拖延 I think we should hold off on buying a car until were sure that you pass your drivers test. 我想我们该晚点买车,直到我们确定你拿到驾照再说。be pushing...for time(某事)时间上快来不及的 Well be pushing for time if we dont get this done first. 如果我们这个不先弄完的话,时间就会很赶。 qualify as具…资格 The meal he cooked doesnt exactly qualify as gourmet food.他煮的这顿饭不大符合美食的资格。 be wrapped


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