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Project construction cost plan compilation basis
Cost plan is a form of expression of target cost, is to build a project cost management responsibility system, the development, the basis of cost control and accounting is the main basis for cost control. Its compilation basis for:
1. Has signed a project contract, the subcontract (or value) structure processing plan and contract;
2. The project manager and corporate internal contract signed and relevant documents;
1 P366
3. The detailed construction organization design in the project;
4. History kind for cost plan implementation; About the technical and economic indicators to complete the analysis of data; Information about the financial cost accounting system and financial history, etc.;
5. Construction budget; Turnover rental prices, amortization loss inside the equipment standards;
6. The construction cost prediction data; To reduce the construction cost measures; Other relevant information.
Second, the project construction cost plan compiling principle
According to the provisions of the engineering characteristics and the terms of the contract, the project department first response to the budget cost secondary decomposition, clarify the budgetary in implementing consumption cost and expense. Such as the comprehensive unit price of labor, materials, machinery fee are the scene actual costs, such as all kinds of fees and taxes for fees. Project cost plan generally consists of two tables, namely cost reduction technology organization measures to schedule and reduce the cost and schedule. Cost reduction schedule is according to the schedule cost reduction technology organization measures and indirect expenses JiangDiE establishment.
Its part deducted from comprehensive unit price including the enterprise management fees, profits and taxes to form the unit price and total price, measures the project and other project fee deducted the cost of the performance guarantee and engineering insurance after the form
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