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关于项目法施工工程成本管理中英文对照 On the project cost management system of Construction Engineering in Chinese and English. 摘 要:项目法施工是施工企业以中标的单项工程为基础,组建一个以项目经理为首的项目经理部,对整个项目的实施实行全过程的管理。面对竞争激烈的建筑市场,施工企业只有降低项目成本,才能使企业具有竞争力、具有更大的利润空间。显然,有效的项目成本管理,对于施工企业的生存与发展,极其重要。 Abstract: the project law construction is the construction enterprise to the single project as the basis, the formation of a led by Project Manager Project Manager Department, for the entire project implementation of the whole process of management. Facing the fierce competition in the construction market, construction enterprises have to reduce project cost, can make the enterprise competitive, with greater profit space. Obviously, effective project cost management, for the enterprises to survive and develop, extremely important. 关键词:项目法 成本管理 成本控制 Keywords: project cost management cost control 随着我国建筑行业的迅速发展,建筑施工企业的市场竞争激烈,为了获得经济效益的最大化,项目法施工中如何加强施工成本管理对施工企业效益有举足轻重的作用。 With the rapid development of Chinas construction industry, construction enterprises in the fierce market competition, in order to maximize the economic benefits, the project law construction to strengthen the management of construction cost has play a decisive role effect on the efficiency of construction enterprises.    所谓的施工成本管理即使在保证满足工程质量、工期等合同要求的前题下,对工程实施过程中所发生的费用通过进行有效地计划、组织、控制和协调等工作,实现预定的成本控制目标,尽可能的降低成本费用,实现利润,创造良好经济效益的一种科学管理办法,施工成本管理贯穿于整个项目的施工期,是一个动态的管理过程。 The construction cost management even guaranteed to meet the quality, time limit for a project contract requirements under the premise, effectively plan, for the project cost through the organization, control and coordination of work, to achieve the goal of cost control, as much as possible to reduce costs, profits, a scientific management a way to create good economic benefits, construction cost management throughout the project, is a dynamic management process.    笔者认为,项目法施工中要做好施工成本管理,关键在于搞好施工前编制施工成本计划,施工中施工成本过程控制,施工后施工成本分析总结。 The author thinks, project law construction to construction cost manag



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