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实践性教学环节有两种:一是课程的实践性教学,即课程作业、实验、实习(设计);二是集中实践性教学,即社会调查、各类实习(见习)以及毕业作业(论文或设计)等。教学计划中规定的作业、实验、实习等课程实践性教学环节和集中实践性教学环节是学生必修的教学环节,在课程和专业学习中突出的重要地位。对不同专业的实践性教学环节的教学管理和考核,中央电大和省级电大都有具体的规定。 理工科实践性教学环节一般包括:课程作业、课程实验、生产实习、课程设计和毕业设计(论文)等项。这些环节是培养高等应用型专门人才的重要手段,各分校、工作站必须按下列规定加强管理,认真组织实施。 计算机应用专业的计划集中实践环节主要包括:计算机操作技能训练,流行实用软件使用,课程设计,生产实习和毕业设计。其中“计算机入门及操作技能训练”和“OFFICE办公软件”部分由中央电大提供统设服务(即统一实验大纲和实验教材),地方电大应认真组织落实。而集中实践环节的其他部分,均全部由地方电大组织实施。此外,学生应完成规定的课程设计,课程设计的内容应在本技术方向安排的大作业内容基础上,进行综合性课题设计。 College of Foreign Languages Development Orientation of English Specialty (Pedagogic Undergraduate Program) Ⅰ.?Program Goals and Standards (Ⅰ). Program Goals This program cultivates graduates with advanced educational mindset and strong adaptability underpinned by sound morality, outstanding intelligence and good health in order to be engaged in the undertaking of primary education ?(Ⅱ). Program Standards Students are required to: Love the socialist motherland, advocate the leadership of CPC, understand the basic principle of Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, serve the people and the modernization drive, have the sense of responsibility for the prosperity of the country and nation, love their career, overcome difficulties, abide by law and cooperate with others; have a sound morality and professional standard; love the education undertaking and be a good teacher.?? Build up a solid foundation of the English language, language study, and culture, develop the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, especially a strong ability of oral communication and translation both orally and in written form; learn about the theoretical development of English linguistics study; develop the ability of knowledge upgrading; receive basic training of scientific research with the basic approach in an innovative and creative way. Understand the general theory of education and psychology as well as English teaching; learn about the advanced teaching skills and


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