词汇学Unit 3.doc

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Unit 3 Other Rules of Word Formation 一、缩略法 (Abbreviation) 是把词的音节省略或简化而产生新词的构词方法 Ad ( ) agribusiness( ) AIDS( ) 截短词(Clipped Word) 截除词尾(apocope) 截除词首(aphaeresis) 截除首尾(front and back clipping) 截除词腰(syncope) 首字母缩略词(Initialism) BC CBD ATM FM ASAP BTW CT 首字母拼音词(Acronym) SARS DINK APEC NATO UNESCO laser 拼缀词(Blend) telescope word 词首+词首,词首+单词,词首+词尾,单词+词首 comsat, Eurasia, smog, motel, 二、逆生法(Back Formation) 逆生法是把一个现存的词的后缀或类似后缀的部分截去而形成与原词词类不同的新词。Laser——lase 1. 名词性后缀 (1)删除原单数名词中类似派生性后缀的假定后缀(如-or, -er, -ar, -tion, -sion, -ance, -ence等),逆生出动词。 Sculptor- sculpt, rover- rove, helicopter- helicopt (2)删除原复合名词中类似派生性后缀的假定后缀(如-er, -tion, -sion, -shio, -ist等),逆生出复合动词。 Ghostwriter- to ghostwrite, daydreamer- to daydream, typewriter- to typewrite, babysitter-to babysit; 2. 形容词性后缀 (1)删除原形容词中类似派生性后缀的假定后缀(如-ish, -some, -ous, -y等) (2)删除原形容词中类似过去分词(-ed, -en)结尾的假定后缀,逆生出动词。 Giftwrapped- to giftwrap, henpecked- to henpeck (3)删除原名词、复合名词、形容词和副词中类似现代分词(-ing)结尾的假定后缀,逆生出动词或复合名词。 Suckling- to suckle, banting- to bant, air-conditioning- to air-condition 三、拟声法(Onomatopoeia) 1. 基本拟声词 Sneeze yawn cough giggle chuckle hiccup 2. 次要拟声词 Exercises 从方框内选择合适的截短词完成下列对话。 Bike sarge gym hanky gas flu comfy 1. Child: “Why are you giving me these pillow?” Mother:_____________________________ 2. Sergeant: “Get these windows cleaned, soldier.” Private: ________________________________ 3. Mother: “Do you wipe your nose on your sleeve?” Child: ______________________________ 4Teenager A: “How did you get here?” Teenager B:__________________________ Mary: “Why doesn’t the car work?” Brother:________________________ Tom: “Why were you absent yesterday?” Classmate:_______________________ John: “Where is the basketball match?” Robert:____________________________ II. 根据汉语写出下列动物的吼叫或鸣叫声。 驴叫:asses___bray, heehaw_______ 2. 熊咆哮:bears__growl______ 3. 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫:bees__buzz, hum, drone___ 4. 甲虫嗡嗡叫:beetles__drone___ 5. 公牛吼叫:bulls__bellow_____ 6. 骆驼呼噜声:camels__grunt__ 7. 猫咪咪叫:cats__meow, pur


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