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课题: I used to be afraid of the dark 教学目标:学会运用used to句型谈论自己与他人的过去习惯、爱好及经常做的事情 教学重难点:used to及与used相关的词的用法 主要知识点: 1. use v. n. 使用,用途 →adj useful 有用的useless 无用的 ① use sth. to do sth . 用某物做某事 Farmers use horses to do the farm work . 农民用马干农活。 ② used to do sth . 过去常常,过去曾经 I used to sleep in class → I didn’t use to sleep in class . I usedn’t to sleep in class . ③ be used to(介词)+ n. / pron. /doing 习惯于 I am used to getting up early . ④ be used to do sth / be used for doing sth 被用来做… The knife is used to cut apples . The knife is used for cutting apples . ⑤ be used as 被用作… ‘介词as表示“作为…”,后常接名词 English is used as a foreign language in China . ⑥ be used by 被…使用 ,介词by后面常接动作的执行者 The car is used by my uncle . 例 --- How does Jack usually go to school ? --- He _____ ride a bike ,but now he _____ there to lose weight . A .used to ; is used to walk B .was used to ; is used to walking C .was used to ;is used to walk D .used to ;is used to walking 解析:根据题意可知,此题考查used to do(过去常常做某事),be used to doing(习惯做某事),故此题选D. 而be used to do 意为“被用来做…” 2. 反意疑问句   ①肯定陈述句+否定提问 如:Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she?   ②否定陈述句+肯定提问 如: She doesn’t come from China, does she? You haven’t finished homework, have you?   ③提问部分用代词而不用名词 Lily is a student, isn’t she?   ④陈述句中含有否定意义的词,如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。 如:   He knows little English, does he? 他一点也不懂英语,不是吗? They hardly understood it, did they?他们几乎不明白,不是吗? 注:反意疑问句的答语 ① 如果反意疑问句中的陈述部分为肯定句时,用“Yes+肯定结构”作为肯定回答;用“No+否定结构”作为否定回答 --- He enjoys singing , doesn’t he? 他喜欢唱歌,是吗? --- Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t. 是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。 ② 如果反意疑问句中的陈述部分为否定句时,Yes译为“不”,No译为“是” ---You didn’t go to school ,did you ? 你没有去上学,是吗? --- Yes, I did . / No, I didn’t . 不,我去了。/ 是的,我没去。 例:---Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning, _____ ? ---_____ . He got up too late . A .had he; Yes B .hadn’t



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