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新目标英语九年级书面表达 Dear friend, What a terrible day it is today! This morning I was late for school and my head teacher was very angry with me. Then I couldn’t find my math book. Since I stayed up late last night, I fell asleep in class this afternoon. I could hardly hear what the teacher said. There will be a football match on TV tonight, but my mother doesn’t allow me to watch it. I really don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice? Yours, Simon 假如你是Simon的朋友Ben,请根据上面这封信的内容给Simon写一封回信,就信中的问题提出你的建议。 要求:1. 词数80个左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内。 2. 条理清晰,语句连贯。 Dear Simon, Here’s some advice for you. There are a lot of things you can do. First, I think you must say sorry to your head teacher and tell him you won’t do that again. You should put all the books in your schoolbag and go to bed early. Then I think you should borrow a notebook from one of your classmates because you could hardly hear what the teacher said that afternoon. If you want to watch the football match, you must talk with your mother. You can tell her that you will study for an hour before you watch the football match. I think your mother will allow you to watch it. Good luck! Yours, Ben (2) 假如你是Jane,大明是你的好朋友,他以前成绩很好, 自从家里有了电脑以后,大明总是以查资料为由,常常打游戏,导致成绩直线下降,他爸爸很着急。昨天大明还和他爸爸发生了争吵。你得知情况后也很着急,作为好朋友,请写封信劝劝大明。要求70字左右。 1) 你得知情况后很着急。2)中学生该怎样正确使用电脑。 3)学生该怎样理解父母 提示词:argue with sb., be worried , get information , understand each other , say sorry to sb. Dear DamingI’m sorry to hear that you argued with your father yesterday. I am very worried about you. We are friends,so I hope you can time in surfing the Internet, and you should study hard. I also hope that you can use the Internet to get information. You should make full use of time to study, instead of playing computers . Please do not argue with your father and say sorry to him. I believe that you can understand each other. If you follow my advice, I believe you can make it! Yours Jane


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